

My second daughter, Scarlett Emily, was born April 16th, 2008.

Julia greets Scarlett

Julia meets her new sister.

Suspicious of butterflies

Scarlett, wide awake and physical, is suspicious of the butterfly.

Ghyll's Burgengute Lives

Burgengute of Ghyll, as seen in Gerth, November 30th, 2006:

Burgengute, as seen in Gerth, November 30th, 2006

Does Grandma Know She's Unwanted?

From Paint Shop Pro 9's box art:

Does Grandma Know She's Unwanted?



Julia arrived home Sunday, May 21st, five days after her delivery:

Chloe, Julia, and Maya

Julia, 5 days old, meets the cats.

Julia's Favorite Face

Julia does this face quite often, actually.

Julia's First Bath

Julia's first bath.

Automating Image Conversion in the Shell

In my map tests (final attempts here) for Drupal's game.module, I needed to convert hundreds of PNG images to GIF format, keeping the transparency relatively in place (though certainly dummied down). Normally I'd do this with OS X's Graphic Converter but I was unable to find the magic words to keep the transparency across conversions. I moved to attempting the feat with GIMP's batch mode and Script-Fu which was working quite well (nearly finished my first-evah Script-Fu) but eventually decided upon ImageMagick's convert utility, which brought me to something like:

> convert a.png -scale 24x24 b.gif

Which worked well-enough in my "ease" expectations, but not so much on the alpha to single-bit transparency that I needed for my GIF - I always had a black "halo" around the non-transparent parts of the image. I responded with the two command lines below: first we scale, then convert with some extra little flags:

> convert a.png -scale 24x24 b.png
> convert b.png -channel A -threshold 80% c.gif

But, after finally figuring out how to properly get PNG alpha transparencies to work within Internet Explorer, I no longer needed GIF images at all, and the final version of the command line became simply:

> mkdir conv
> cd source
> for i in *; do convert $i -scale 24x24 ../conv/$i; done;

Just an FYI to myself.

World of Warcraft: Wickerman Festival!

I play World of Warcraft, as does everyone else. For some odd reason, I've just decided "hey! screenshots are fun!" even as those who said that years ago are now groaning in despair. Attached is a screenshot of the Wickerman Festival near Undercity (click on the image for Satan-sized version.) which'll be ending shortly; this is also my submission for this year's Halloween screenshot competition. Wicker man festivals really DO happen in real-life, and have been, for a long, long time. I first encountered them when I watched the insanely excellent THE WICKER MAN many years ago.

World of Warcraft: Wickerman Festival!
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