As I type, the newest,

As I type, the newest, redesigned and repurposed edition of NETSLAVES is being uploaded - shortly, you'll find even more disgruntled comments and tortured content about the web and the horror it brings.

Of course, if you can't

Of course, if you can't wait that long, you'll find the latest issue of VIEWER DISCRETION available, with startling results of the "Insult Morbus" contest.

And if that STILL isn't

And if that STILL isn't enough, IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS has been added to THE HORROR SECTION.

Newest issues of DEVIL SHAT

Newest issues of DEVIL SHAT (#SIXTYTWO) and CHICO'S GROOVE (#NEVESYTROF) have been released, and Morbus gives us the lackluster perfomance he knows you've been wanting. It's all justified though. Just be here on the 15th. YOU'LL SEE.

Full site revamp in progress

Full site revamp in progress for NETSLAVES...

Welp, all the Y2K SCARES

Welp, all the Y2K SCARES have passed - I guess that means our delusional nuclear war fear for the nineties is done with. What shall it be for this decade?.

Newest issue of CAPITAL OF

Newest issue of CAPITAL OF NASTY available in the TEXT archives.


Newest issue of VIEWER DISCRETION available - find lazy ass editors, a new contest where you can insult the hell out of Morbus, definitions of Butt Pirate, crazy semi-automatic first prizes, and a pathetic reply from the unloved. ASCII Superman symbols need not apply.

Disobey breaks the magical 7

Disobey breaks the magical 7 MILLION ACCESSES mark - ten million to come in a few months (oooHhhh!).


The mighty STAN LEE MEDIA has teamed with ... ... the BACKSTREET BOYS (?!?!!?) to create a web-based comic series: THE BACKSTREET PROJECT.


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