Newest issue of (canadian dishwater)

Newest issue of (canadian dishwater) VIEWER DISCRETION released, filled with joy (flatulence), secrets (bunniiieee!!), glorifications (Morbus is a God), polite borrowing (outright theft), and oh so much more. It's shnibbular!


Metallica is getting COCKY and

Metallica is getting COCKY and all in vain - wait until they find out about GNUTELLA

I'm telling ya, it's BioSteel

I'm telling ya, it's BioSteel today, 8 LEGGED MAN-EATING GOATS tomorrow

Heh, heh: HO'S ARE ALSO

Not withstanding that Napster has

Not withstanding that Napster has a crappy interface and is buggy as hell, there's THIS ARTICLE

Newest member? CHUBBY GAY SPICE.

Newest member? CHUBBY GAY SPICE.

Minor changes to this page

Minor changes to this page and ABOUT in an attempt to reduce scrolling... Also available: MIRSKY'S OPEN SOURCE BUSINESS PLAN for 5/22/00

This must be the END

This must be the END OF THE INTERNET that so many people have been talking about.

I have died and gone

I have died and gone to heaven: DANGERMOUSE.ORG.


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