The Ghyll's Where Is Where is an attempt at establishing geographical facts about our world; it does not record other supplementary facts. For example, it records that the Evesque Valley is well-irrigated (and therefore must have plenty of streams), but it does not record that it used to play host to Aelfants. The latest most authoritative map is included inline below.
Latest Authoritative Ghyll Map
Scale: 1 square = 1 lele
Note, this map is based on the plain-ASCII version (included at the bottom of this page). Due to the scale and the density of known Ghyll, some work is planned to convert the ASCII map into a visual map created by Dundjinni or even Inkscape so that it'll be easier to read and understand. We can't guarantee this will ever happen, but Morbus Iff has expressed interest in doing so. Editing the raw ASCII map DOES NOT regenerate the following easier-to-read thumbnail, so only do so if you've previously aroused Morbus' ire.
No Longer Authoritative Ghyll Maps
There have been multiple attempts at making a map of known Ghyll, some unfinished, some stylized, some totally and laughably inaccurate. We've included them all below for historical reference, but be sure to base your facts on the authoritative version above.
- The first computer-drawn map from Sean B. Palmer.
- A stylized and more fleshed out attempt from Doctor Phineas Crank.
Geographical Facts about Ghyll
- Alezan (land)
- Is heavily forested (Alezan)
- Uninhabited, thus no other towns (Alezan)
- Situated to the west of the Evesque Valley (Alezan)
- Most prominent feature: ruins with a twin-spire structure (Alezan)
- Situated close to the Vale of Serdoch (Bordingbras his hatt!)
- Qestarius River once connected it to Vale of Serdoch (Qestarius River)
- Andelphracian River Valley (valley)
- Is not in the Evesque Valley or Sarfelogian Mountains (Carsokian)
- Inferred: Near the Evesque Valley because of Andelphracia and Quezlar 6.
- Possibility: Named after Quezlar 6's journey through Elminster Mire.
- Possibility: Quezlar 6 and Andelphracia traveled here for their Hive-Lord Answer.
- Avaz Minor (city)
- Suspected to be located at the center of the Shallow Gulf (Dagger Seas)
- Ancient city; detonation point of Justice Device during the Third Avazian War (Dagger Seas)
- Azura Mines (mines)
- Situated by the city of Iganefta (Altoxian Bulb)
- Baleman (building)
- Ruined in an earthquake (Baleman)
- Situated on the northern edge of the Evesque Valley (Baleman)
- Bute (university/town)
- The Timperton Clocktower is on campus (Bute University)
- Contains three lakes, a forest, and blasted moorland (Bute University)
- Cactus Forests
- A rarely travelled land (Cactus forests)
- Located in the deserts of the southern end of Ghyll (Cactus forests)
- Cataract Road (series of roads)
- Has waterfalls alongside it (Burnflies)
- Starts in the north of the Evesque Valley (Cataract Road)
- Runs through Cranee and Folktown (Cataract Road)
- Continues through the southern town of Iganefta (Cataract Road)
- Connects to the very old Yérplat Ridge (Plain of Brahang)
- Cranee (hamlet)
- Situated to the north of the Vale of Serdoch (Battle of Barnum Stones)
- The Battle of Barnum Stones probably took place 25 lele south (Battle of Barnum Stones)
- Directly between the Evesque Valley and Folktown (Cranee Historical Society)
- 25 sugro-nanits from the Evesque Valley (Cranee Historical Society)
- 18 sugro-nanits from Folktown (Cranee Historical Society)
- Has a village green (Cranee Historical Society)
- Dagger Seas and Peninsulas (seas)
- A haunt of the well-known Captain Riquiras (Captain Riquiras)
- Four massive estuaries: Primus, Segundus, Tertius, and Marty (Dagger Seas)
- Broad mouths at the gulf tapering to dagger-like freshwater points (Dagger Seas)
- The freshwater points are where the Dagger Peninsulas join the mainland (Dagger Seas)
- The seas are calm, though they are affected by the tides (Dagger Seas)
- The Marty Sea contains Kebro-shepenor, a small island (Kebro-shepenor)
- Dŵplat (stream)
- Elminster Mire (mire)
- Known to exist at the time of Quezlar 6 (Andelphracian Lights)
- Ghyll-wide environmental crisis: ongoing stillicide in the Mire (Doc Rockett)
- Located east of Evesque Valley and northwest of Andelphracian River Valley (Elminster Mire)
- Evesque Valley (valley)
- Is picturesque (Bavarian Creame)
- Is well-irrigated (Adlorst Vinifera)
- Contains quayres (Andelphracian Lights)
- Is situated in the north of Ghyll (Cataract Road)
- Situated to the east of the land of Alezan (Alezan)
- A fault-line runs under the northern edge (Baleman)
- The northern edge has a relatively unpopulated area (Baleman)
- Fluyr may be the name of something in the north (Baleman)
- Divided into three sections, upper, mid, and lower ((Evesque Valley)
- 25 sugro-nanits from the hamlet of Cranee (Cranee Historical Society)
- Contains plantations (Adlorst Vinifera), e.g. of Sphoxolis Trees (Besq Boats)
- Contains the Seven Lakes of Midevesque (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge)
- Folktown (city)
- Contains the Laureate House (Calends Gala)
- Situated close to the town of Egron (Bindlet Ball)
- Has a town square (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge)
- Contains an amphitheatre (Amphitheatre aristocracy)
- Ten sugro-nanits south-east of Marsh Gibbon (Bavarian Creame)
- 18 sugro-nanits from the hamlet of Cranee (Cranee Historical Society)
- Contains Arbuckle Hill, host to Cadaver public house (Cadaver, The)
- Contains the Folktown Hyperbolic Bindlet Ball Arena (Day of Champions)
- The outskirts are home to the Charterhouse Estate (Charterhouse Collection)
- Has a Grand Mall 'twixt the Folktown Council Hall and amphitheatre (Bavarian Creame)
- Glossfordshire (town)
- Involved heavily in Bindlet Ball (Bindlet Ball)
- Iganefta (city)
- Situated by the Azura Mines (Altoxian Bulb)
- Is situated in the south of Ghyll (Cataract Road)
- A city comprised of many smaller settlements (Altoxian Bulb)
- Is divided into upper and lower class sections (Altoxian Bulb)
- 2 leles away from the Azura Mines (Iganefta)
- 120 leles away from Mount Yurch (Iganefta)
- Iganefta-on-the-Sea is 30 leles away (Iganefta)
- Contains Memorial Garden and Brothers monastery (NeoAlezanians)
- Iganefta-on-the-Sea (city)
- 30 leles away from Iganefta (Iganefta)
- Was once the fishing village of Thungerbarg (Lord Glosfordshier)
- Jorvyll (region)
- Moutainous region north of the Evesque Valley (Keglacians)
- Kebro-shepenor (island)
- Located in Marty, one of the four Dagger Seas (Kebro-shepenor)
- At low tide, connected to Shepenor by a sandbar (Kebro-shepenor)
- Marsh Gibbon (town)
- Situated near the town of Sejfeld (Bavarian Creame)
- Ten sugro-nanits north-west of Folktown (Bavarian Creame)
- Undivaggen building is here (Bavarian Creame)
- Mount Yurch (mountain)
- About 120 lele west of Iganefta (Grommies)
- Is 118.4 lunanits tall (Mount Yurch)
- Is the tallest mountain in Ghyll (Mount Yurch)
- Odlucia (hamlet)
- Situated in a valley (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge)
- Is surrounded by many farmsteads (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge)
- Contains the Bureau's Cake (Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge)
- Odlucian Library is on other side of valley (Odlucian Library)
- Pinky and Perky (astrological)
- The moons of Ghyll (Cranee Historical Society)
- Plain of Brahang (plain)
- Location of the Brahang Turnpike Inn (Plain of Brahang)
- 1250 square sugro-nanits in size (Plain of Brahang)
- 40 lele northwest of Iganefta (Plain of Brahang)
- Bordered to the north by the Qestarius River (Plain of Brahang)
- Bordered to the south by the Yérplat Ridge which is now the Cataract Road (Plain of Brahang)
- Principality of Jurra (town; maybe more)
- The Harrabloon Bank mints coins for them (Harrabloon Bank)
- Nearby Folktown; its press affects them (Harrabloon Bank)
- River Ocean (ocean)
- The Dagger Seas and Shallow Gulf empty into it (Opoudelian Starker)
- Qestarius River (river)
- Borders the north edge of the Plain of Brahang (Plain of Brahang)
- The major tributary to the Dagger Sea (Plain of Brahang)
- Its drying-up created the Vale of Serdoch/Oddbag (Qestarius River)
- Sarfelogian Mountains (mountains)
- Its foothills have plantations (Adlorst Vinifera)
- Ghyll-wide environmental crisis: destruction of the mountain meadows (Doc Rockett)
- Po Mountain is located within this range (Heh-blammo balance)
- Sejfeld (town)
- Situated near the town of Marsh Gibbon (Bavarian Creame)
- Shallow Gulf (gulf)
- The four Dagger Seas empty into it (Dagger Seas)
- Dominates the western edge of our continent (Dagger Seas)
- The Gulf is calm, though is affected by the tides (Dagger Seas)
- Center of the Gulf is likely to have been site of ancient city of Avaz Minor (Dagger Seas)
- Shepenor (fishing village)
- On the coast of Marty, one of the Dagger Seas (Kebro-shepenor)
- Kebro-shepenor is within sight of Shepenor, but too far to swim (Kebro-shepenor)
- At low tide, connected to Kebro-shepenor by a sandbar (Kebro-shepenor)
- Stindersgrough (town)
- Home of the Barnum Stones (Battle of Barnum Stones)
- Umbo Moor (moor)
- Near Egron and Marsh Gibbon (Edvard von Craghelm)
- Vale of Serdoch/Oddbag (vale)
- Situated just to the south of Cranee (Battle of Barnum Stones)
- Situated close to the ruins of Alezan (Bordingbras his hatt!)
- Qestarius River once connected it to Alezan (Qestarius River)
- Also known as the Vale of Oddbag (Qestarius River)
- Wentzel Fen (fen)
- Near Egron and Marsh Gibbon (Edvard von Craghelm)
Unknown/Unplaced Locations
- Arandellion Moors (moors)
- A series of high lands north of Jorvyll (Arandellion Moors)
- They are of "large size" (Arandellion Moors)
- Avazian Ruins (building)
- Possibly in a wasteland (Avazian Box)
- Brahang Field (field/village)
- Once a Bindlet Ball field, now a village (Bindlet Banality)
- Eastern Province of the Dulalian Empire (region)
- Home to the Brothers of the Lantern (Brothers of the Lantern)
- Possibility: An Empire doesn't necessarily denote a landmass. Jurra?
- Ellensworth (town)
- Nearly destroyed in -20 EC when Pelon Peak erupted (Cataclysmatology)
- Fundzherit Peninsula (peninsula)
- Had some theoalchemical incident (inferred) (Doc Rockett)
- Fylesgate (town)
- Possibly in the Evesque Valley (Andelphracian Lights)
- Hills of Munro (hills)
- Between Stindersgrough and Glossfordshire (Stindersgrough)
- Lake Crimin (lake)
- Many days walk southeast of the Principality of Jurra (Criminals)
- Kluvat Peak (mountain)
- The highest peak of the Sarfelogian Mountains (Sarfelogian Mountains)
- Located at the south-western edge of Jorvyll (Sarfelogian Mountains)
- Mount Rotyg (mountain)
- About 25 lunanits smaller than Mount Yurch (Mount Yurch)
- Is the second tallest mountain in Ghyll (Mount Yurch)
- Nifhar (city? village?)
- Qib of Aminfarances was from here (Aminfarances)
- Possibility: Southwest of the Dagger Seas? (Aminfarances)
- Palace of Lost Souls (building)
- Building of a location not yet recorded (Alarius)
- Pelon Peak (mountain/volcano)
- Erupted in -20 EC, nearly destroying the town of Ellensworth (Cataclysmatology)
- Quiends (tiny village)
- Located to the west of Shepenor (Shepenor)
- "that small cluster of huts over yonder." (Rod of Quiends)
- Sayaziha or City of Spheres (city)
- Said to have been seen by Ibaan Malmiz (Grimporke Grimoire)
- Spacial Clocktower, The (clocktower)
- Unfindable (Cartographer's Nerves)
- Tíâgrídíg Valleys (valley)
- (North?) West of Dŵplat (Boing)
- Thopth (village)
- Contains the Collegium Civitas (Core script)
- Threel (town)
- Location unknown, circa -249 EC (Extraordinarily Bloodless Revolution)
- Probably near the Palace of Lost Souls (Extraordinarily Bloodless Revolution)
- A pretentious place located on the shores of scenic Segundus (Threel)
- Unnamed plain (plain)
- Whunn (?)
- Exis of Whunn. Is this a place? (Army of Whunn)
Latest Authoritative Ghyll Map (ASCII)
/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : ; | ^^^^^^^^^ Jorvyll Mountain Region ^^^ * Dwplat River Ocean ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ` <- (Gulf & Seas / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' empty into) ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ; ____ / ^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sarfelogian Mountains ^^ ; /' ``, _/' ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : '''`"\ `.._ _,' : ^^^^^^^^^^ Po Mountain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ; `.. ' : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_.------- Baleman ---^^^^^^^^^^^ ,' Primus \ -+-----''\^^^^^^,--'' `^^^^^^^ ; ___ \ .--': :--+-' |^^^^ ,'; ,' '''''' | ; | Seven Lakes of Midevesque ,|^^^ ; `.._ | : Alezan & ; Evesque Valley -/ * ;' `---...... | Twin Spires / ,--------' | ';, Segundus _,-' `--;-. : / ' | . * Avaz .--' ; `----------+----------:-------' : Elminster : Minor? ,-' :`. : : Mire ; -:._ ___ Qestarius : ; ;: `'-' `-._ : River. .':, `. :, Dagger Seas ,' ; `-. .' : : ; & Peninsulas / : `. / : ; | ,' ; `+ .-' : :' Andelphracian Tertius | : : .' Cataract Roads River & Valley | Shepenor .,..;..,.. ; * Bute : ,:. Shallow Gulf / |_.....:' Iganefta`. / `. : ,' \. |,,.-* *. on-the-Sea., : `-. : | `. "' * | : | `..' `. : | \ Kebro- | ': | Qestarius `.: | | Shepenor | : | River Wentzel : ' | | : ; ; Fen Umbo .-': * Cranee | _/ Marty / : ,' ;\ * Moor' :. \.--' ....,-' : | ; : _,-" : `-. ---. ___----. ,' : | ; : .-' Sejfeld * `--. `-------''''| `'-..o-' : | | :.-' :`: `-.* Egron | : | | : Marsh *' : | :| Odlucia ; Gibbon : '; : ,*-_ : Odlucian : \ |: ,' | ;* Library ;: | Plain of Brahang | :-----' : / ; : | .| ; ` ._ Vale of : * Folktown _.-. | | '.. `. Serdoch/ ; :;--. ---'' `-. \ | `-. `-. Oddbag : ; `----. Principality \ ,'`-- ,' `-._ ` ; ; '* of Jurra `..-' `''''`--......,-"'-:' `-. ; : / To Mount Yurch Yerplat Ridge ""`-. * Battle of : ; --. .-' (40 leles west) (now Cataract Road) "`--. Barnum Stones ;,-'' `+`* Glossfordshire "`-.. :. ,-' | "`-. : ,-' ; "``-. .* Iganefta -. / "`-* Azura Mines `-'* Stindersgrough _.-------------------. _.------------'' `------. ..--'' `--------. ,--' Cactus Forests `--- / (largely unexplored) ,'
Ghyll Map TODO
- Place the Brahang Turnpike Inn in the Plain of Brahang.