User:Araes Domandred/notepad

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Plans for Items I'd Like to Dib

Council for Quezlarian Research

Important Items of Note From Previous Sources

According to the Council, Quezlar 6 himself may be the first person in recorded history, other than Andelphracia, to have used Andelphracian Lights during his triumphant crossing of the Elminster Mire.

The Council is highly secretive. They've tried to deny and cover up things like their Quezarian numeral discoveries.

The Council vice chairman is Bysted Timperton

Tim Timperton was a former member and is now a Folktown Records writer.

Morbus Iff was once a member of the Council until he was found in disreputable circumstances. They now call his work deeply flawed.

The Council has some connection to the classic journal Quester and Phorrus through which some (all?) of their results are published.

The Council performed some groundbreaking research into the origins of Quezlarian numerals which were a byproduct of Quezlar's dislike for the script number within his name.

The Council assists the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge in performing large segments of its research, such as their examinations into the history of the Quezlarian Ooo.

Past members apparently will things of wealth to the society after they have passed on.

The Council provides a number of the members for the steering committee of the BoFK from their pool of ex-members.

Personal Commentary on the Direction of the Entry

This Council so far almost sounds like an illuminati of the Ghyll world. Highly secretive, with members in upper class positions throughout modern society, and possessing a large bulk of the currently available information. They are, however, more public and willing to cooperate on research. Although in much the same way as big government, they try to hide and black stuff out when it doesn't go their way. Their numbers are currently unknown and most likely a secret that only the inner circle is privy to. Could even be something more along the lines of a cell network where only the upper cells know the total power structure and lower members only know their fellow initiates and possibly those who pledged for them. Course, could also just be a like a University or Senate that's locked up tight like a government research installation. Only that which is deemed good for the public makes it out. Could also be kind of like the country club of the wealthy and powerful within the region or world, as they seem to gravitate towards power and prestige.


Important Items of Note From Previous Sources

Fairly lightly written about, only appears in the burnflies article and seems to infer a sect of people much like archeologists/anthropologists who examine the fossile and artifact record in an attempt to understand the past and infer relations about groups in the present.

The name seems to imply that they are heavily based on theories of cataclysm and upheaval, although as of yet I haven't found anything to indicate that the period before -200 EC was marked off by a cataclysm or is simply murky due to poor recording techniques. Therefore, I'd say that their history would probably have to point to the discovery of a great cataclysm farther back in the past of Ghyll which drastically shifted the world and sparked interest in the field in the present day. Something so large that obvious signs of it are available in the world.

Obviously have access to something along the lines of carbon dating or better as they can infer dates as far back as at least -10,000,000 EC. For comparison, from the Earth parallels, "The low activity of the carbon-14 limits age determinations to the order of 50,000 years by counting techniques. That can be extended to perhaps 100,000 years by accelerator techniques for counting the carbon-14 concentration." For comparison to how long ago 10,000,000 EC would be if they were Earth years and the relative ranges of dating, the following graph can be examined. [1]

Perhaps Awal phenomena could tie into this, as the luminescence of the bulbs or some other type of decaying chemical reaction could be used to register exact dates far back in time.

Considering how recently most information was lost about the world, -200 EC, dating techniques for objects of even recent time periods would be quite useful.

On a wild note, there could be the potential for different fundamental forces in this world, which would throw a screw into everything from a linear point of view. Instead of just gravity, weak/strong nuclear and electromagnetic, there could be other effects which either replace or add to the list. This would open up all kinds of options for dating of materials, although once again, they would generally need to be some time dependent process with a linear growth or loss curve to ensure reliability.

Personal Commentary on the Direction of the Entry

Probably make it a very formal entry discussing the concept of cataclysmatology in a very broad sense at first, and then narrowing in to cover some of the specific tools they utilize, the findings they've uncovered, the reason for the creation of the field, and any major players in the realm of cataclysmatology.