User talk:Larj Zyquon

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Revision as of 18:16, 25 May 2005 by Larj Zyquon (talk | contribs) (Agreeing to modify entry)
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We've established that nothing heavier than a coconut can be transported by hork (DermPachyges, TransAvian), so this story of James being carried by hork is way improbable. Please come up with something else. --John Cowan 14:24, 24 May 2005 (EDT)

Your argument is perfectly sound: there were some errors in the "units" file at Talk:Chesix System Of Measures that misled me. However, my intention was that TransAvian could only carry small things, like commercial paper, messages, and jewelry -- anything heavier has to go by DermPachyges. The average mass of an Earthly coconut is 1.3 kg ~ 188 gyup. Quod scripsi, scripsi, to be sure, so I can't force you to change your story. Nevertheless, I'd like to change mine and then you change yours, if you're agreeable.

A minimal change would be to "hand-in-wingtip with an enormous hork, no less! --John Cowan 13:10, 25 May 2005 (EDT)

Just to throw my opinion in, I was under a similar impression about the size, and thus, the carrying capacity of a TransAvian - "coconut" equated to my (suitably Earthen) assumptions. I'd prefer if Ghyll coconut = Gerth coconut = Earth coconut (there's something to be said about originality, of course, but originality that reinvents everything we hold dear can often get in the way of the bigger overall picture). With that said, as Jcowan mentions, your entry is correct, even if we feel its correctness is due to one of our own errors.

Another possibility is to a) correct Jcowan's error to 188 gyup, b) change your entry to be a fish storyish, Miraculously, after nearly two years, on the 22nd of Jole in -53 EC, Horkmanifester returned to Ignefta carried, he claims, on the talons of an enormous hork no less! While everyone we've spoken to either saw, or didn't see, the thunderous beast, TransAvian has so far failed to find any proof of its existence, much to their commercial chagrin. This could be roughly equatable to our Earthern Thundebirds - little concrete proof save for strong conviction or a sheep'd crowd of believers. --Morbus Iff 13:47, 25 May 2005 (EDT)

You're right, either of those modifications would work. I will think about which one I like best today (or if there's a third alternative I prefer!), and change it tonight when I get home from work. --Larj Zyquon 19:16, 25 May 2005 (EDT)