Ghyll talk:Ghyllian reproduction
I like how this is shaping out: the wildlife-documentary approach to commentary vs. the very human characteristics of the "ritual" is an excellent choice of plot. Hard to get the balance right too, so I don't envy your task--especially given the point that you've just stopped at!
--Sean B. Palmer 14:21, 27 Oct 2004 (EDT)
Ah, well, I was trying to hold out until I could make a new entry, but, alas, it will simply languish. The wildlife-documentary approach struck me as somewhat cliched, actually, but I felt compelled to make an entry. My goal is to make it through at least the first full round without missing an entry. This subject suddenly appealed to me due to some spousal strife. Life hands me fefferberries and I make scones. --Doctor Phineas Crank 21:21, 27 Oct 2004 (EDT)