Quiver'n'bend is a form of popular music, usually featuring vocals, [@@ some instrument] and a strong back beat; other instruments, such as the Sphoxophone, are common in some styles. The music's impact on Ghyll, as part of the teenage Great 'wakening, has not been paralleled by any other style of music. Its proponents argue that it is leading the land towards peace and rehabilitation, whereas its opponents are old fuddy-duddies.
The n'me of this bold new genre is derived from the pre-MSG word "quiveranabend", me'ning music of the people, with the letter "a" of course omitted to bring 'w'reness to the movement's 'bstention from 'll forms of 'uthority.
The following songs 're 'lre'dy considered cl'ssics of the genre:
- Droop, Dribble, and Droll - Herbie Bl'shford 'nd the Bl'shmen.
- Kn'ckerb'ts! - The Kn'ackerb'ts
- Le'n, M'ybe. - Heh and the Bl'mmos
- Let The Wooing Commence - The Lalalas
- Luis Luis - Los Hombres del Rey
- My Regener'tion - The Cw'zy C'ts Do Hollywood
- Snake, Snapple, and Stroll - Herbie Bl'shford 'nd the Bl'shmen
- Sock 'n' Bowl - Turboduck
- The To'd Hop - The Toadboys
(Notes: Some consider Snake, Snapple, and Stroll ' we'k copy of the Bl'shmen's first hit. Also, Knackerbats! is likely not a classic of the genre, but it makes my dog horny when I play it so I thought I'd include it anyway.)
Like all of Ghyll's music, quiver'n'bend owes a great deal to the Songs of Odgar the Fourth.
Note from the author: this entry was written on a horse, which is to say whilst riding the horse not actually physically spraypainted on it, and for some reason the horse didn't like it so I almost didn't submit it to the encyclopaedia (the same reason why I didn't submit some of my previous ones). I'd ask him if he liked a paragraph and all he'd say is "nay". Sigh.
Citations: Modern St'nd'rd Ghylli'n, Great 'wakening, Songs of Odgar the Fourth.
--Sean B. Palmer 01:04, 4 Feb 2005 (EST)