Ghyll:Ghyll Index

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The following is a list of all existing encyclopedia entries.
For entries not yet defined (phantoms), see Ghyll Phantom Index.
For every single page, entry or not, see Special:Allpages.



Summary: +18 players; 18 entries.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined byR#
Adlorst Vinifera (Talk)-DrBacchus1
Aelfants (Talk)-Qwentyth Pyre1
Agony uncle (Talk)Sean B. PalmerMorbus Iff1
Alarius (Talk)-Bartmoss1
Alezan (Talk)-Christopher Schmidt1
Alezan pantheon (Talk)Fingest ArniaJuzh Iruk1
Alezanians (Talk)-Edward Shwarmph1
Altoxian Bulb (Talk)-Makarii Spitignev1
Aminfarances Institute of Science and Technomancy (Talk)-Tamlin Moon1
Amphitheatre aristocracy (Talk)-Fingest Arnia1
Anaximancer (Talk)-Prothall1
Andelphracian Lights (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer1
Anise Engine (Talk)-Doctor Phineas Crank1
Aquentravalkeration (Talk)-John Cowan1
Arariax (Talk)-Melik Fizzou1
AuroAnthropology (Talk)-Joe Bowers1
Avazian Box (Talk)-Eric Vitiello1
Awal shrinkage (Talk)-Ginestre1


Summary: +5/-3 players; 20 entries.
Added Players: Araes Domandred, Bast ResNovae, Darus Ixa, Dok, Talliesin.
Missing Players: Edward Shwarmph, Eric Vitiello, Makarii Spitignev.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Baleman (Talk)-Christopher Schmidt
Ball Lightning Liqueur (Talk)Doctor Phineas CrankMorbus Iff
Baron Claude Lloyd Albert Smallwood (Talk)DrBacchusDoctor Phineas Crank
Battle of Barnum Stones (Talk)-Ginestre
Bavarian Creame (Talk)Morbus IffFingest Arnia
Berell (Talk)-Araes Domandred
Besq Boats (Talk)-Dok
Bethany Mboya (Talk)-Talliesin
Betrothal march (Talk)TalliesinDarus Ixa
Bindlet Ball (Talk)-DrBacchus
Bobby Shwarmph (Talk)Edward ShwarmphBast ResNovae
Bofu (Talk)-Tamlin Moon
Bordingbras his hatt! (Talk)GinestreJuzh Iruk
Brothers of the Lantern (Talk)Joe BowersJohn Cowan
Budgerigar Master (Talk)-Prothall
Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge (Talk)BartmossSean B. Palmer
Burnflies (Talk)Fingest ArniaJoe Bowers
Bursine Calendar (Talk)-Qwentyth Pyre
Bute University (Talk)-Bartmoss
Bysted Timperton (Talk)Sean B. PalmerMelik Fizzou


Summary: +1/-8 players; 12 entries.
Added Players: Despicable Shimmy
Missing Players: Araes Domandred, Bast ResNovae, Darus Ixa, Ginestre.
Missing Players: Fingest Arnia, Juzh Iruk, Melik Fizzou, Qwentyth Pyre.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: Bast ResNovae, Juzh Iruk.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Cactus forests (Talk)-Prothall
Cadaver, The (Talk)-Despicable Shimmy
Calends Gala (Talk)-DrBacchus
Captain Riquiras (Talk)DokTalliesin
Carsokian (Talk)Tamlin MoonDoctor Phineas Crank
Cartographer's Nerves (Talk)-Joe Bowers
Cataract Road (Talk)Joe BowersMorbus Iff
Charterhouse Collection (Talk)-Bartmoss
Chesix System Of Measures (Talk)-Dok
Conflict That Is Not Happening (Talk)Morbus IffJohn Cowan
Council for Quezlarian Research (Talk)Sean B. PalmerTamlin Moon
Cranee Historical Society (Talk)Christopher SchmidtSean B. Palmer


Summary: +0/-5 players; 8 entries.
Missing Players: Bartmoss, Fingest Arnia, Melik Fizzou, Prothall, Talliesin.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: Fingest Arnia, Melik Fizzou.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Dagger Seas (Talk)TalliesinJoe Bowers
Darseed (Talk)DrBacchusDoctor Phineas Crank
Day of Champions (Talk)DrBacchusDok
Deathbug (Talk)Melik FizzouTamlin Moon
DermPachyges (Talk)Morbus IffDrBacchus
Doc Rockett (Talk)Joe BowersJohn Cowan
Doggerel plague (Talk)Doctor Phineas CrankMorbus Iff
Dŵplat (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer


Summary: +0/-2 players; 6 entries.
Missing Players: DrBacchus, Tamlin Moon.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: DrBacchus.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
EctoMechanauts (Talk)Joe BowersDoctor Phineas Crank
Edvard von Craghelm (Talk)ProthallJohn Cowan
Egron (Talk)Morbus IffJoe Bowers
Elminster Mire (Talk)-Morbus Iff
Evesque Valley (Talk)Melik FizzouSean B. Palmer
Extraordinarily Bloodless Revolution (Talk)ProthallDok


Summary: +2/-2 players; ; 6 entries.
Added Players: DrBacchus, Prothall.
Missing Players: Joe Bowers, Sean B. Palmer.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: Joe Bowers, Sean B. Palmer.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Fefferberry (Talk)Qwentyth PyreDoctor Phineas Crank
Fijjit Mejora (Talk)Christopher SchmidtMorbus Iff
Folktown Records (Talk)Morbus IffJohn Cowan
Frandos Wakami (Talk)DrBacchusDok
Freege Horn (Talk)DokDrBacchus
Furious Apple (Talk)-Prothall


Summary: +3/-2 players; 7 entries.
Added Players: Darus Ixa, Sean B. Palmer, Stottlemeyer O'Phelan.
Missing Players: DrBacchus, Prothall.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Ghoulwood viola (Talk)Doctor Phineas CrankMorbus Iff
Ghyllian reproduction (Talk)Tamlin MoonDoctor Phineas Crank
Godfroi Hasawithe (Talk)BartmossJohn Cowan
Grimporke Grimoire (Talk)-Stottlemeyer O'Phelan
Grommies (Talk)John CowanDok
Gruff fiction (Talk)Morbus IffDarus Ixa
Gyll Hill (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer


Summary: +1/-1 players; 7 entries.
Added Players: DrBacchus
Missing Players: Darus Ixa.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Harrabloon Bank (Talk)-Dok
Harv Gretborn (Talk)Darus IxaJohn Cowan
Hattie's Day (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer
Heh-blammo balance (Talk)John CowanDrBacchus
Hive-Lord (Talk)Qwentyth PyreMorbus Iff
Hoopkah (Talk)Dr. H. L. AckroydStottlemeyer O'Phelan
Houvers (Talk)Despicable ShimmyDoctor Phineas Crank


Summary: +0/-2 players; 4 entries.
Missing Players: Dok, DrBacchus, Stottlemeyer O'Phelan.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Iain Underholm Smallwood (Talk)DokJohn Cowan
Ickle (Talk)-Morbus Iff
Iganefta (Talk)Makarii SpitignevDoctor Phineas Crank
Ignatius Maximillian Albertus Crank (Talk)Morbus IffSean B. Palmer


Summary: +0/-2 players; 3 entries.
Missing Players: Darus Ixa, John Cowan.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: Darus Ixa, John Cowan.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Jemima and the Square Do-Gooders (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer
Johnny Lightning (Talk)-Doctor Phineas Crank
Justice Device (Talk)Joe BowersMorbus Iff


Summary: +3/-0 players; 6 entries.
Added Players: DrBacchus, Dr. H.L. Ackroyd, John Cowan.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Karcist League (Talk)Doctor Phineas CrankMorbus Iff
Kebro-shepenor (Talk)-DrBacchus
Keglacians (Talk)-Dr. H.L. Ackroyd
Kiluma (Talk)Morbus IffDoctor Phineas Crank
King Harandraff the Great (Talk)BartmossSean B. Palmer
Kreem Pye (Talk)DokJohn Cowan


Summary: +1/-1 players; 6 entries.
Added Players: Christopher Schmidt
Missing Players: DrBacchus

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Lane Smallwood (Talk)-Christopher Schmidt
Laxicon (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer
Lightning Gun (Talk)-Doctor Phineas Crank
Looliers (Talk)Stottlemeyer O'PhelanDr. H.L. Ackroyd
Lord Glosfordshier (Talk)ProthallJohn Cowan
Luminous manuscript (Talk)TalliesinMorbus Iff


Summary: +1/-2 players; 5 entries.
Added Players: DrBacchus.
Missing Players: Christopher Schmidt, Sean B. Palmer.
Dibbed, But Did Not Complete: Melik Fizzou, Sean B. Palmer.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
M'Kev D'wal (Talk)DrBacchusMorbus Iff
Meldersen (Talk)Morbus IffJohn Cowan
Modern Standard Ghyllian (Talk)BartmossDoctor Phineas Crank
Mount Yurch (Talk)DokDrBacchus
Mute Chukarandos (Talk)Doctor Phineas CrankDr. H.L. Ackroyd


Summary: +0/-0 players; 5 entries.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
NeoAlezanians (Talk)-Dr. H. L. Ackroyd
Nesting (Talk)-John Cowan
New Year's Day (Talk)-Morbus Iff
Night of Cloaks and Daggers (Talk)BartmossDoctor Phineas Crank
Nitenmangrey (Talk)John CowanDrBacchus


Summary: +2/-0 players; 7 entries.
Added Players: Christopher Schmidt, Sean B. Palmer.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Occultologists (Talk)Juzh IrukDoctor Phineas Crank
Odgar IV (Talk)ProthallDrBacchus
Odlucian Library (Talk)ProthallDr. H. L. Ackroyd
Office of Knowledge About Things (Talk)Christopher SchmidtMorbus Iff
Olaff Devork (Talk)DokSean B. Palmer
Opoudelian Starker (Talk)-John Cowan
Order of Truth (Talk)DokChristopher Schmidt


Summary: +1/-2; 6 entries.
Missing Players: Christopher Schmidt, DrBacchus.
Added Players: clsn.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Phaelros (Talk)DrBacchusJohn Cowan
Pickers (Talk)Prothallclsn
Pinky (Talk)Morbus IffSean B. Palmer
Plain of Brahang (Talk)John CowanDr. H. L. Ackroyd
Po Mountain (Talk)DrBacchusMorbus Iff
Pyxie (Talk)Qwentyth PyreDoctor Phineas Crank


Summary: +3/-2; 7 entries.
Missing Players: clsn, Dr. H. L. Ackroyd.
Added Players: Darus Ixa, DrBacchus.
Contains Quezlarian Numerals, our first urGhyll entry.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Qestarius River (Talk)Dr. H. L. AckroydMorbus Iff
Quester and Phorrus (Talk)Sean B. PalmerJohn Cowan
Quezlarian Numerals (Talk)-Sean B. Palmer
Quezlar family (Talk)Tamlin MoonDrBacchus
Quezlarian Ooo (Talk)Tamlin MoonDoctor Phineas Crank
Qulirian Energy Converter (Talk)-Darus Ixa
Quiver'n'bend (Talk)John CowanSean B. Palmer


Summary: +2/-2; 6 entries.
Missing Players: Darus Ixa, DrBacchus.
Added Players: clsn, Dr. H. L. Ackroyd.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Rancticirchiretic (Talk)John CowanSean B. Palmer
Raking (Talk)GinestreDr. H. L. Ackroyd
Rater Goldfish (Talk)DrBacchusDoctor Phineas Crank
Rejah (Talk)Araes DomandredJohn Cowan
Rich Earth Cactus (Talk)BartmossMorbus Iff
Rod of Quiends (Talk)Dokclsn


Summary: (S1) +0/-1; 5 entries.
Missing Players: (S1) clsn.

Entry NamePhantomed byDefined by
Shepenor (Talk)DrBacchusJohn Cowan
Speedish Chefs (Talk)Tamlin MoonDr. H. L. Ackroyd
Spelgof (Talk) GinestreDoctor Phineas Crank
Sphoxolis Trees (Talk)DokMorbus Iff
Stindersgrough (Talk)Dr. H. L. AckroydSean B. Palmer