Ghyll:Alezan Script
One of the few remaining traces of the ancient Alezians are the few writings they left behind. Though numerous scholars, Occultologists and researchers have tried through the ages to descipher this strange language, none have been successful to this date.
The cript itself was recorded by etching it into plates of glass-like crystal. By pouring sand on the plates so they filled the grooves, the text appeared. The only reason some of the plates have survived through the years is the fact that the crystal is much more solid than it appears, and can withstand surprisingly harsh treatment before finally shattering. In recent years, the theoalchemist Harv Gretborn managed to replicate the strange material, enabling damaged plates to be copied. The process is extremely expensive, however, so mass-production of Alezan script replicas is not possible at this time. Nonetheless, some researchers are quite willing to pay handsomely for copies of the ancient plates, in the vain hope that they will be the ones to deschipher them at last.