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Disobiki: The interests of the modern day Morbus
And, every so often, yesteryear's Morbus will have forgotten to hide embarrassing enthusiams from passions gone by.
Why a wiki? Read "I HAZ TEH HOBBIES" on for the rationale of separation.
428 articles • 3,809 pages • 2,544 files • 16,097 edits

Films and video

Vicious violence, sleazy sex, fervent filth: a gallery of cult, exploitation, horror, and other films, posters, DVDs, LDs, VHS tapes, etc., organized by year, language, and format. Includes full death by and sleaze by indexes. 13+ films and 1300+ images.

Games and puzzles

Mystery Chronicles Murder Among Friends-2008-Puzzle-Chapter 6-Memory Puzzle.png
A visual exploration and guide to the "casual" genre (hidden objects, time management, adventures, etc.), alongside Game Center achievement lists and references for treasure hunts, alternate reality games, transmedia projects. 100+ games and 300+ images.


@todo and administrivia

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