Ghyll:Zed Varren

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Dib. And, so begins the end of an era. --Doctor Phineas Crank 10:02, 16 Apr 2005 (EDT)

Born on the second Xarochsday of Fusil in -75 EC, the same year that the Odlucian Library was founded, Zed Varren is most famous for both coining the term Unquisition and putting it into action. A graduate of the University of Havernot, Department of Occult Science, Varren brought much of Ghyll's most obscure knowlege to a single institution in a very short time. So short, in fact, that cetain scholars questioned the wisdom of allowing him to lay hands on an early translation of the Grimporke Grimoire. Indeed, until those same scholars mysteriously disappeared one Night of Cloaks and Daggers, it was loudly supposed that it was that very tome which enabled Varren to achieve such great heights in stationary omnilocational research. Varren's aquisitions include: a working model of Professor Crank's Interlinear Escape and Vent Shaft; an original Universal Geomantic Compass dating back to the time of the Dulalian Empire; an actual, working Professor Crank's Highly Adjustable Animal and Mythical Beast Call; the largest collection of untranslated examples of the Alezan Script; and the last known Sympathetic Vibration Harp.

Varren is less well known for his own writings, however. He is the semi-anonymous author of Morphomancy of Morons, Demonology Made A Little Too Easy, Divinging for Dumkopfs, and You Might Be A Theoalchemist If...

Citations: Alezan Script, , Unquisition