Dib! Dude, here comes the smoke shop! --Doctor Phineas Crank 00:18, 19 Mar 2005 (EST)
Made from the finest Wormwood imported from the Xurient, vlorm smoking has become quite the rage in recent years. Vlorms of lesser quality are made in Ghyll, indeed, right in our very own Folktown, but the true connoisseur of the "Xuriental Habit" will always prefer the superior flavor, and visions, produced by imported Wormwood. Originally designed for inhalation directly through the nasal passages, some of the recent local versions of the vlorm are designed to be smoked through the mouth while clutched in the mandibles. Again, however, the true devote of the vlorm life would never think of using these inferior models of so called "modern" vlorms. Indeed, it is the distinctive nature of the originally imported vlorms that gave rise to the popular phrase "Put that in your Vlorm and snort it!" Though, it may take a Stone of Wisdom to interpret the exact meaning of this phrase, it would seem to be a form of supplication to the wisdom of the vlorm smoker to wrap their expanded consciousness around the idea which preceeded the command.
Citations:Stone of Wisdom, Wormwood, Folktown