User:Brother Arfrus

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Brother Arfrus, Ghyll Scholar

Brother Arfrus is a Ghyll scholar. Brother Arfrus was born about -73 EC. As a young man, he attended Bute University (Class of -53) where he studied history and beer. He was a contemporary of Bysted Timperton. Unlike Timperton, he chose a monastic path, and in -45 EC, he took his vows as a brother of the Order of Mnerr. At present, he lives in the Cloister of the Order near the tip of the Segundus Dagger Sea (not far from Threel, which needs further elaboration) where he pursues his research and brews beer. Once he gets his bearings, he will elaborate further. Brother Arfrus does not belong to the Brothers of the Lantern.

Brother Arfrus' Table of Contents
ArticlePhantom ArticlePhantom
Army of WhunnExis of Whunn Blivingdelretrackets
Chez Smallwoodscuttleway darkshipssea fairs
Eixis Anoshorreld blade fielding hutMonotapute House
GimletPeershakes HungfoldOrder of Mnerr
Intellectuals' ConspiracyFuldermox JorvyllShrigure Gradient
Kites d'Jeauxvornalt Llysver the DoomedBusco

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Brother Arfrus' List of Ghyllian Terms:

Brother Arfrus, Ghyll Player

This remains to be revealed.

Brother Arfrus was involved in the Vrinthia lexicon game [1] (but not as Brother Arfrus).

Brother Arfrus is a home-brewer.