Oh why not? Dib. --Dr. H. L. Ackroyd 14:41, 5 Mar 2005 (EST)
"All legends agree that [[[Opoudelian Starker]]] was born (of humble parentage) in the (capital) city of Threel about a century before the Extraordinarily Bloodless Revolution."
Phylostarus (-232 EC to -162 EC) suggested, in his accounts of the revolution, that a deep-seated antagonism existed between the two major participants -- the people of Threel and their ruling class. But we do know that the battle for the Palace of Lost Souls was the final event in the revolution. When it was over, the ruling class of Threel surrendered. While it would appear that the ruling class surrendered, there is no evidence to suggest any form of social change having occurred. The people of Threel had no change of government and their way of life seems to have gone on much as it was prior to the revolution."