Ghyll talk:Ziggurat Scrolls

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Revision as of 14:45, 22 April 2005 by Lady Aleksandra Quininery (talk | contribs) (...*sigh* ... I'm afraid it's just all so old hat ...)
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What's the appropriate format for referencing one of the Dagger Seas? the Segundus Dagger Sea? the Dagger Sea Segundus? or something completely different? Thanks. --Lady Aleksandra Quininery 11:31, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

There hasn't been one a standard way. Some quick searches:
75: ** The Marty Sea contains Kebro-shepenor, a small island (...
136: ** Located in Marty, one of the four Dagger Seas ([[Kebro-shepeno...
192: ** On the coast of Marty, one of the Dagger Seas...
These came from the WhereIsWhere. --Morbus Iff 11:38, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)
Thanks! I think I'll go with 'Dagger Sea Segundus,' then. --Lady Aleksandra Quininery 15:06, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

Out of curiosity, why phantom stealth-guild rather than the Society of Traveling Budgerigars? --Lisa B. Underhalh 14:18, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

Because I felt like as a more general concept, it allowed for more creativity/perversion in its future definition. I've restricted the notion of the Society of Traveling Budgerigars a little bit more in my entry. And it'd be really cool if there were other stealth-guilds as well. --Lady Aleksandra Quininery 15:06, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)
Cool, that's what I thought, but I just wanted to understand a little more. Also, it still allows for someone to take up the STBs as a non phantomed entry. Learning the game and how people play. --Lisa B. Underhalh 15:09, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

It's rarely ever discussed, but I think there is some strategy, perhaps "tricks", with phantom selection. If I'm quite fond of the entry I'm writing, for instance, I'll be sure to create a phantom for the next letter, such that there's a good chance my fondness will be continued (hopefully, "good"ly) by someone else. Alternatively, if I like a particular idea and want to develop it further in my own future entries, I'll make sure the phantoms are far away (citing T+ in a B entry, for example). Granted, this doesn't stop anyone from adding new facts on their own accord, but at least they're not forced to do so (as would be the case if I linked to a nearby phantom of C or D, etc.). --Morbus Iff 15:24, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

I also have an inkling about "letter monopolies", such that all the phantoms for a certain letter were created by one player, which means he can't define them (Rule 3), and he'll get a free pass to create a brand new entry from scratch. Witness the evidence of John Cowan's C, T, and W phantoms at the Ghyll Phantom Index - not all his, but only two dibs away from freshness. --Morbus Iff 15:24, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

I also have a passion for word play, so I tend to phantom stuff that wouldn't normally be strong choices, such as Old hat, Bump of the Night, or Twitch Doctor. I phantom those terms not because I think they're the strongest choices, but because their definitions, and the creativity involved, will be the most interesting to me. See also my Ickle entry. --Morbus Iff 15:24, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)

Actually, I find Old hat to be one of the most intriguing phantoms. But maybe that's because I'm one of the people who use the term in real life... --Lady Aleksandra Quininery 15:45, 22 Apr 2005 (EDT)