Ghyll talk:Ghyll Index

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Revision as of 12:05, 17 September 2004 by (talk)
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Out of Game Discussion

One thing that would be nice to have in this page for the currently phantomed references organized by letter, would be a listing of the links to those phantoms like is displayed in the "phantoms by popularity" version. Maybe even something smaller like just a number next to their name which heads to the links page. Help immensely as right now I'm basically looking at a link, then openning up a window and inserting it directly into a whatlinkshere. --Araes Domandred 12:22, 15 Sep 2004 (EDT)

We could certainly include just a regular old link tag after each phantom, to shortcut the method you're doing (anyone could add that stuff with any regular edit), but it'd be difficult to get the number of links programmatically displayed (not impossible, just not a good use of the time available to me). --Morbus Iff 20:56, 15 Sep 2004 (EDT)

Understandable, if it would be a load of work to do then there's really no reason to go down that road. Just figured if it was easy it would make a nice addition. -- 13:05, 17 Sep 2004 (EDT)