Dibbeth upon this. --Brother Arfrus 22:11, 19 Sep 2005 (EDT)
Rattallan - Predictor of numerous world endings, one of which partially became true.
One of the figures who might have been Not Peershakes.
obovox - Though he was otherwise mostly useless, Rattallan composed a handful of tunes for pentet. Though his method of composition merely consisted of copying notes from other scores at random, the end result in a few instances was musical genius. (Admittedly, much of the rest of his compositions were unmitigated splak.)
Both Rattallan and Phylostarus were born in the Evesque Valley.
Some indications that, for a time, Phylostarus was a student of Rattallan. But obviously, Phylostarus' scholasticism reflects none of the madness of Rattallan's methods. It is possible that Rattallan instilled a deep interest in learning and understanding in Phylostarus, who quickly realized that his mentor was a crackpot, and headed off to Bute University.
While one or two of the works ascribed to Not Peershakes may have been written by Rattallan, most of those works were written after Rattallan had died. A number of Not Peershakes' works (e.g. the Laundry Ticket Limericks) are distinctly dated after Rattallan's death.
As a composer, Rattallan made a splak of things as much as anything else he attempted.
Wrote A Journey to Perky
Rattallan tried to be a renaissance man but ended up more of a jerk-of-all-trades.
-250 EC (Circa) Birth of Rattallan.
-232 EC Birth of Phylostarus. -204 EC Birth of playwright M. Peershakes. -171 EC Rattallan predicts the world will end -100/10/12 EC. -171 EC Rattallan predicts Aelfants will take over the world in 10 EC. -162 EC Death of Phylostarus. -152 EC Death of playwright M. Peershakes.
Citations: -provisional- Bute University, Perky, Phylostarus