Ghyll:Cadaver, The
The Cadaver is an infamous pub set in the heart of Arbuckle Hill. Built on the spot where the Arbuckle Hill Martyr's broken body was found it has become a center piece of the Arbuckle Hill resistance, particularly the Houvers.
To be cont...
Citations: Arbuckle Hill, Houvers.
--Detestable Shimmy 04:04 20040902 BST
Cautionary Note: There is a good chance this entry will be possibly removed, or asked to be heavily edited, unless it is linked into existing locations (hi sh1mmer - i love you!). I realize this entry is still in its early stages, and thus prompted this possible preempting of a fallible future (ha!). There are too many people creating "nameitis" things, be it people, locations, political groups, cults, religions, etc., and they're starting to overpower everything else; the Lexicon is about integration, not pockets of existence. An authoritative version of this comment, and thus a "house rule", will be issued sometime soon. --Morbus Iff 14:00, 20 Sep 2004 (EDT)