Revision as of 14:03, 16 May 2005 by Brother Arfrus (talk | contribs)
Listing in alphabetical order, not by surname, since some entries (Quezlar 6) don't have a known surname, and Ghyll sorting procedures for names--and even baby name giving procedures--are currently unknown. Note that the short descriptions below are NOT indicative of "all we know"... we just didn't duplicate data available elsewhere in the Encyclopedia. Consider using the search engine to find more information about a particular name.
- #47 - The skullcap of this Nitenmangrey god forms the Sarfelogian Mountains.
- Adamantine Areola Duphine - Ran for Mayor of Folktown; committed suicide.
- Adelaide Clementine Chimmlefut - Mother of Gabson Foye.
- Agwa Reeum - Received translated copy of Grimporke Grimoire; translated it to Untch.
- Alarius - A renowned freethinker, philosopher and artist; son of Arariax.
- Alastair Bledgewater - Format compatriot of Johnny Lightning's father.
- Aleksandra Mary Blackgold - Daughter of Mary Elizabeth Carsokian.
- Alessa Mboya - Sister of Windsor Creame and mother of Daniel Mboya.
- Alice Bob Charlie David Edward Smallwood - Iain Underholm Smallwood's mother; baroness.
- Allison Clarinda Husslespear - Mother of Captain Riquiras.
- Altifur Witherspoon - The "hobosopher of the East"; was apparently eaten by his mate.
- Aminfarances - Founder of the Aminfarances Institute of Science and Technomancy.
- Andelphracia - (flourised -300 EC) Mayoress of Fylesgate, inventor of Andelphracian Lights.
- Arariax - (born c. -280 EC) One of Ghyll's most influential poets.
- Arbuckle Hill Martyr - Identity unknown, but his body christened the location of The Cadaver.
- Archovy Infatale - Husband of Doc Rockett; married after Doc's divorce.
- Aristea Sylvia Panderlock - Daughter of Sylvia Beth Panderlock and Frandos Wakami.
- Awal - The first to apply Jesper's constant to the study of spelgof emulsions.
- B. T. Gidgewell - Late Supreme Commandant of the Tarkherk Corps.
- Baron Claude Lloyd Albert Smallwood - Wine producer, ex-husband of Bavarian Creame.
- Baron James Horkmanifester - Of "Horkmanifester's investment rules"; founded TransAvian.
- Bartholemew Sinch - Second husband of Bavarian Creame; died shortly after Siam Sinch was born.
- Bartmoss - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, ex-member of the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge.
- Bavarian Creame - Wife of Windsor Creame, older sister of Jack Juffers and Madam Calvian.
- Berell - Once a Brother, now a revered patron and belief system founder.
- Bethany Mboya - “We are all enthrall [sic] to the beauty of Bethany Mboya”.
- Bikari Smallwood - Alias of an informant regarding the Darkened Lantern.
- Brian David Sinningprick - Private advocate working in Iganefta-on-the-Sea.
- Blivingdel - An interpreter of Ternary Script.
- Bob Phanqué - Lead cartographer and inventor of fecksadecimal.
- Bobby "Robert" Shwarmph - Runs the Aliens Everywhere mag, lives near Alezan.
- Bordingbras - Mere bagatelle in the hands of a Fate (cf. Battle of Barnum Stones, Bordingbras his hatt!).
- Briorus Jan-Vanderschusen - Original conceiver of the betrothal march, born circa -300 EC.
- Brother Arfrus - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Budgerigar Master - A mysterious historical figure from as far back as -2000 EC.
- Bunny Hutch - Famed performance artist.
- Burgengute - A book copier for the Encyclopedants.
- Burnflyman - A character in the Karcist League lumics.
- Bursine the 14th - Creator of the Bursine Calendar, Hive-Lord of the Nitenmangrey.
- Bysted Timperton - Vice Chairman of the Council for Quezlarian Research.
- Captain Riquiras - Legendary buccaneer and smuggler. Sailor of Besq Boats.
- Carl Kapek - Creator of the first EctoMechanaut, named him Jacques.
- Carsok - Defiled Earth Mother, of Vulcrue.
- Candi Rapper - Wrote a best selling novel My Little Oblong Fantasy, which mentions Gyll Hill.
- Canonical Goo - Advertises about Gyll Hill in the Folktown Records.
- Casostates - Was to judge a contest of smilching prowess at the Barnum Stones.
- clsn - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Corvin Axehand - Moved the Barnum Stones to Stindersgrough in -158 EC.
- Croam Olpo - Established trade with the Xurient back in -430 EC.
- Christopher Schmidt - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- The Cwazy Cats Do Hollywood - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Daffid Grommie - Founder of the Grommie famliy fortune.
- Daniel Mboya - Nephew of Windsor Creame; died recently in mysterious circumstances.
- Darus Ixa - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, ex-member of the Aminfarances Institute of Science and Technomancy.
- Dentyl Cane - Alias of an informant regarding the Darkened Lantern.
- Detective Bernhard Lenhork - Investigated the events surrounding the Darkened Lantern.
- Doc Rockett - Wrote Invariant Transforms, with Historio-Physical Applications.
- Doctor Phineas Crank - Ghyll Lexicon scholar and self-styled "doctor" of occult studies.
- Dok - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Dr. B. J. Spook - Famous developmental psychoalchemist and expert on toilet training.
- Dr. H. L. Ackroyd - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- DrBacchus - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- "Easy" Lizzard - An associate and confidante of Bobby Shwarmph.
- Edlunch - Was the root cause of the Po Mountain landslide.
- Edvard von Craghelm - (died -20 EC) Famous Anaximancer.
- Elmo "Phorrus" Quester - One of the founders of Quester and Phorrus.
- Edward Shwarmph - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, quasi-science lover.
- Eric Vitiello - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, ex-member of the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge, and farmer in Dandarth.
- Fijjit Mejora - A pachyderm in the courier business. Retired in -79 EC.
- Finna Sunderhorn - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Firebird Jazz Ensemble - A group of jazz music performers.
- Fingest Arnia - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, Amphitheatre aristocracy member.
- Frank "Quester" Phorrus - One of the founders of Quester and Phorrus.
- Fondal - Helped prove that Gyll Hill was etymologically unrelated to "Ghyll".
- Frandos Wakami - Overseer, for 25 years, of the DermPachyges courier service.
- Full Pinky Jazz Group - A group of jazz music performers.
- Gabson Foye - Husband of Siam Sinch and exposer of Bethany Mboya.
- Garth Haversham - Managing Editor of the Folktown Records on -7/9/15 EC.
- Gassalasca Jape - Ghyll scholar, believes Arariax was both assassin and assassined.
- Ged Nokaway - Popular lyricist who urged Zotters to go ever faster.
- Geoffrey Prepuce - Despised Mayor of Iganefta. Burned in -99/12/21 by the townsfolk. Husband of Izzimae Grommie.
- Gibbous Saunders - (born -18 EC) Wrote to the Folktown Records, published in edition 312.
- Ginestre - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Godfroi Hasawithe - Current owner of the Charterhouse Collection.
- Got Quezlar - Returned Quezlar's Quaff, Inc. to wine production (cf. Quezlar family).
- Griffin Alastair Bommlehodge - Sat on the Board of Mechanician's Guild; retired to Iganefta.
- Groll the Do-Gooder - One of Five Do-Gooders not defeated by Jemima Panderlock.
- Gyll Hill - The current (0 EC) president of the Cranee Historical Society.
- Hackleford Vermeer (aka "Hack") - Founder of the NeoAlezanians.
- Harv Gretborn - Inventor of the Gravion Process.
- Hattie - A farmhand, and topic of a poem called Hattie's Day.
- Heh and the Blammos - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Hemoss The Heretic - Issuer of two Great Heresies (cf. Altoxian Bulb).
- Herbie Blashford and the Blashmen - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Hew Loan - Once a Mayor of Folktown; Bavarian Creame was one of his Core Advisors.
- Hirum Paul Macklefoot - Owner of Untch-translated Grimporke Grimoire; translated it to MSG.
- Honuphrius - Brother of the Lantern and denouncer of Arariax.
- Hopdurg - A God-king; unsuspected devotion to him by the Looliers.
- Horatio Gloom Wakami - Son of Sylvia Beth Panderlock and Frandos Wakami.
- Iain Underholm Smallwood - Assassinated Folktown Councilor.
- Ibaan Malmiz - Drunken Prophet and author of the Grimporke Grimoire.
- The Iganefta City Jazz Band - A group of jazz music performers.
- Ignatius Maximillian Albertus Crank - Charlatan, creator of hair restoration tonic.
- Indigo Huac - One-time owner of the Folktown Records.
- Innkeep of the Brhang Turnpike Inn - father of York of Brahang.
- Irictus Ross - Coined the term theoalchemy in -96 EC.
- Izadora Gutschtup - Actress, Alezan or Shwarmph childbearer depending on who you ask.
- Izzimae Grommie - Daffid Grommie's sister, first to climb Mount Yurch; Supreme Omigod of the Order of Truth.
- Jack Juffers (aka "Long Jack")- Co-founder of the NeoAlezanians, younger sister of Bavarian Creame.
- Jack Kootz (aka "Small Jack")- Co-founder of the NeoAlezanians.
- Jack Tuckarando - Created the supply and demand for Tuckarando pets.
- James "Jimmy Cashews" Cashinawitz - Long time business parter of Johnny Lightning.
- Jan ver Daath - Retired from the Tarkherk Corps with a rank of Spearholder. He fooled us all.
- Jarvik Jarvik - Authority at the Committee for Epistemological Hygiene.
- Jelena Panderlock - Jemima Panderlock's non-identical twin sister.
- Jemima Panderlock - A fictional city girl living in a tall well-kept building in the east of Iganefta.
- Jermaine Loweltree 78th - Alias of an informant regarding the Darkened Lantern.
- Johanniz Fermple - Former Master Librarian.
- Johnny Lightning - Born Johan Ichabod Lightning, Grand Hive-Lord of Iganefta Back Market.
- Judhael Rockett - Father of Doc Rockett.
- Joe Bowers - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, has written for the Folktown Records.
- John Cowan - Neutral Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Juzh Iruk - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Kathryn Pearl Blatherwill - A Harrabloon Bank teller in love with Johnny Lightning.
- Kebonston Lefkrane - An anthropologist who first cited the name Nitenmangrey.
- Kev, The - Inhabitants of Kebro-shepenor; they don't like visitors very much.
- Kiluma - Goddess of chaos to the Looliers, patron goddess to the Exingians.
- King Harandraff the Great - Led siege on Bute University; died in the Civil War that followed.
- The Knackerbats - Classic (well, maybe not) performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- The Lalalas - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Lady Aleksandra Quininery - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Lane Smallwood - A younger sister of Iain Underholm Smallwood.
- Lankin the Mad Mage - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Lapernees - historian and scholar of Bute University.
- Leemonje'lo - An entity worshipped by Ibaan Malmiz.
- Leonard J. Keatings - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Litvia - A Paramount Queen, joined with Bursine the 14th.
- Looly - Divinity of Dark Fire, of Vulcrue.
- Lord Glosfordshier - Supposedly of Alezan, had a herald of the Furious Apple, first Lord-Mayor of Iganefta.
- Los Hombres del Rey - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Lucy O'Donnell - Her experiments in incongruent imagery hang in the Zaprosingfrink Gallery.
- M'Kev D'wal - A Kev from Kebro-shepenor; shrieks a lot and scares kids.
- Madam Calvian - Neighbour to a Folktown Records employee, younger sister of Bavarian Creame.
- Makarii Spitignev - Ghyll Lexicon scholar, Iganefta resident.
- Margaret Widderson - One of the foremost contemporary Andelight craftswomen.
- Marque Cho'gall - Alias of an informant regarding the Darkened Lantern.
- Mary Elizabeth Carsokian - Became head of the Carsokian Clan in -100 EC.
- Maximilian Gustavus Grande - The de facto leader of the Houvers.
- Maximilian Thaddeus Dossleham - Translated the Grimporke Grimoire into Olkuull.
- Meldersen - Awal shrinkage scholar, has a famous axiom: "It's downside up!".
- Melik Fizzuo - Ghyll Lexicon scholar and Fadr resident.
- Michael Mooney (aka "Jack")- Co-founder of the NeoAlezanians, younger sister of Bavarian Creame.
- Mikel Mboya - A writer of little consequence. Mboya is a common name.
- Menia Pyre - Married Bysted Timperton, had son Tim Timperton.
- Miss Hairy Mandibles - Travelled with Ignatius Maximillian Albertus Crank.
- Mmyogurt - An entity worshipped by Ibaan Malmiz.
- Mo Quezlar - Created Fefferberry juice and Frozen Fefferpops (cf. Quezlar family).
- Momfrex Resgrew - The once-famous sage was claimed by Mount Yurch.
- Monty Thabot - Vice Chairman of the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge's Steering Committee.
- Morbus Iff - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Mork Waterson - 87 year old Author Laureate winner at the Calends Gala in -1 EC.
- Morphous Ibb - (born -8 EC) Wrote to the Folktown Records, published in edition 578.
- Mother Mutton - Wrote a long-to-type, fun-to-say coloring book on Historio-Physics.
- Mox Elder - Once a Mildly Impressive Commandant of the Tarkherk Corps.
- Neville Sidgeford - Helped rob Harrabloon Bank branch with Johnny Lightning.
- Niala Wallinger - Oldest daughter of Bavarian Creame, from her first marriage.
- Niles Wammerham - Helped rob Harrabloon Bank branch with Johnny Lightning.
- Nyorgard Frunt - Married Doc Rockett; had two children.
- Oblibestircus - Minor scholar, not of the maior et sanior pars
- Odgar IV - Held court in the eastern quarter of Iganefta.
- Olaff Devork - Founder of the Harrabloon Bank in -185 EC.
- Oldellius -1 - An apocryphical king of the Nitenmangrey.
- Opoudelian Starker - The Wandering Jew (or Flying Dutchman) of Ghyll.
- Patrick Retic - Farm labourer father of Rancticirchiretic.
- Patricia Rancticirchi - Littleschool headmistress mother of Rancticirchiretic.
- Phennella - Member of the Cranee Historical Society.
- Phillip Vincent Murdstone - "Hive-Lord of Hive-Lords"; known in the Iganefta Back Market.
- Phyllis Creanie - Found as a mud puddle due to Zygotic Dermatosis.
- Phylostarus - Ancient historian (-232 EC to -162 EC).
- Pinky's People - Purportedly the inhabitants and cause of the lights of Pinky.
- P'Jubal - Tuckarando friend of Fijjit in the best-selling “Fijjit and the Fefferberry Failure”.
- Pricludious - Mathematician and Philosopher.
- Professor Altoxian - Inventor of the Altoxian Bulb, Iganefta resident.
- Professor Jarvis Tinkle - Researcher at the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge.
- Prothall - Old, decrepit, senile, and nearly deaf Ghyll scholar.
- Prudence - "Subtle color stylings" hang in the Zaprosingfrink Gallery.
- Quinto Quaffmar "Quaff More" Quezlar - Founded Quezlar's Quaff, Inc. (cf. Quezlar family).
- Quezlar 6 - (flourised -300 EC) Created Quezlarian Numerals, crossed Elminster Mire.
- Quiz Quezlar - The wealthiest man in all of Ghyll (cf. Quezlar family).
- Qwentyth Pyre - (born -58 EC) Ghyll Lexicon scholar and Evesque Valley resident.
- Ralph Alpher - Rejah of Shepenor, famous for his huge capacity for Adlorst Vinifera.
- Ramingotes - Helped prove that Gyll Hill was etymologically unrelated to "Ghyll".
- Rancticirchiretic - Scholar of the Nitenmangrey.
- Rater Goldfish - Composer of Freege Horn music (real name Gordon Matteaus Summerprick).
- Revelerax - Former student of the Brothers of the Lantern.
- Rhajoon Quezlar - At age of 10, took over Quezlar's Quaff, Inc. (cf. Quezlar family).
- Rhajoon Quezlar II - Spent his entire life vacationing (cf. Quezlar family).
- Rhajoon Quezlar III - Ran Quezlar's Quaff, Inc. for just a year (cf. Quezlar family).
- Rikkard Grommie - Second generation of the Grommie famliy fortune.
- Rogbert the Wizzlard - A wise and extremely useful guide that accompanied Jemima Panderlock.
- Roger Ululator - Iain Underholm Smallwood's father.
- Royal Dulalia - Won the bidding process for the Gravion Process, cemented the Dulalian Empire.
- RUE - Deity of Shameless Self-Promotion, and Pancakes Too, of Vulcrue.
- Russell Grimdale - Helped rob Harrabloon Bank branch with Johnny Lightning.
- Sarfl - Former Brothers of the Lantern, lives up on Po Mountain shouting blammos.
- Salerny Redthighs - Chief of the Looliers during the Battle of Barnum Stones.
- "Salty" Gibbons - Alias of an informant regarding the Darkened Lantern.
- Sean B. Palmer - Ghyll Lexicon scholar and Tomlinson Bridleway restoration campaigner.
- Sea Peoples - Ghyllians who live on rafts but come ashore to nest.
- Second Floor Librarian - Of the Charterhouse Collection; may they rest in peace.
- Semolina Pilchard - Nitenmangrey Master; art hangs in the Zaprosingfrink Gallery.
- Shtreimi - Also known as the Joyful Divine Octuplets.
- Siam Sinch - Artist, and daughter of Bavarian Creame from her previous marriage.
- Sir Rumsfeld Tiggerwort - Discovered the Ziggurat Scrolls in -7 EC.
- Slilmornay Rockett - Child of Doc Rockett and current Master Librarian.
- Snafu Bohica - Ghyll Lexicon scholar and eldest of a city of devil-worshipping monks.
- Stottlemeyer O'Phelan - A rogue scholar wanted by the Encyclopedants.
- Supetupheraraphes - Historian and coiner of the term "aquentravalkeration".
- Sylvia Beth Panderlock - Niece of Mary Elizabeth Carsokian, modern age leader of the Carsokian Clan.
- Sylvia Brunnhilda Carsokian - Grand Matriarch and source of the Carsokian Clan.
- Talliesin - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Tamlin Moon - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Ten-from-one - The ten children chosen by the birds of the Budgerigar Master.
- Tim Timperton - A Folktown Records writer and ex-member of the Council for Quezlarian Research.
- Theophenes - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Thoedore Aspic - Founder of the Iganefta Recorder and First Master Librarian.
- Thureau Grommie - Third (and current) generation of the Grommie famliy fortune.
- Tistar Wakami - Wife, now separated of Godfroi Hasawithe.
- The Toadboys - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Torvinquanai Metatron - The first Xuriental Paramount Queen; stripped of her crown.
- Trousle Undrhil - Ghyll Lexicon scholar.
- Trunggar Minfy - Mother of Doc Rockett.
- Trung Tro Hampher - An offbeat Iganefta mayoral candidate.
- Turboduck - Classic performer of quiver'n'bend music.
- Ul'o - Lord of the Filthy Waters, of Vulcrue.
- Umgumphornitz Rockett - Child of Doc Rockett.
- Varlansk - A god, or joke about the wind, from the Nitenmangrey.
- Vemish - The epitome of "wrong place, wrong time" - bad luck all around.
- Vengeful - Attribution of an Elminster Mire ghost, per Ignatius Maximillian Albertus Crank.
- Viktor MiBrons - Wrote The Kev: My adventures on Kebro-shepenor; also lived there.
- Violetta - Quezlar 6's wife, whose nickname was 'Vi'.
- Vulcrue - Also known as the Wrathful Divine Quintuplets.
- Wadjidir - An order or guild of Ghyllian intelligence balancers.
- White Lady, The - Supposed savior of Mox Elder on Umbo Moor.
- Whostley - The Freege Horn keys-man of The Cadaver.
- Wilhelmina Corinne Bardway - Made discoveries regarding ghoulwood and supranatural luminescence.
- Windsor Creame - (born -58 EC) Writer for the Folktown Records.
- York of Brahang - A scholar who studied Lord Glosfordshier; his works were suppressed.
- X R Quezlar - Died hearing THE VOICES; whither golden stein? (cf. Quezlar family).
- Xhasone Margolhu - A mathematical theorem is named after him.
- Xlardamnf - Also known as the "Stone of Wisdom"; was stoned to death.
- Yetta Terbium - Paramount Queen and, bucking custom, rejah.
- York of Brahang - Son of an innkeeper; his books were suppressed.
- Y't't't'g K'rk't't't - The back of this Alezanian god forms the Plain of Brahang.
- Zed Varren - Creator of the term Unquisition and its originator.