Trousle Undrhil, Ghyll Scholar
A testy fellow who sometimes doesn't know what he wants to say, but always manages to say 'something' even if it wasn't his intention to say anything at the time. He tends to study illnesses and strange phenomena of that nature. In his premiere work, Zygotic Dermatosis (Talk), he detailed the illness known as Zygotic Dermatosis and he is ready and willing to detail more such illnesses as the information is discovered all across Ghyll.
Articles written:
- Zygotic Dermatosis (Talk)
- Articulary Motion (Talk)
- Bethelanious Mist (Talk)
- Cataclysmatology (Talk)
- Ghyllian excretion (Talk)
- Hythmium (work in progress)
Trousle Undrhil, Ghyll Player
In real-life, he is Ken Livingston. A technician for a telecommunications company which works with telecommunications equipment doing telecommunication stuff. He enjoys playing games on his PC and watching TV. He's also a dedicated non-conformist gamer, which simply means that he can't stick to playing any one game. He gets bored really easily with all those graphics. Low-tech games (such as a Wiki RPG, perhaps?) keep his interest a while longer.