Ghyll talk:Last witness

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Revision as of 01:54, 14 August 2005 by Undrhil (talk | contribs) (* Answer *)
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So while I'm nitpicking the spelling -- did you use "habitants" on purpose for its slightly out-of-the-ordinary flavor, or should it be "inhabitants?" --Lady Aleksandra 21:11, 13 Aug 2005 (EDT)

I used 'habitants' on accident. I'm still not sure how I was able to keep reading over it and never seeing that. But I suppose I could have left it as it was, it would just cause more confusion as more people would read it and wonder if I had made a misspelling or not. And, eventually, some overzealous scholar would change it to 'inhabitants' without a second glance. :) --Trousle Undrhil 02:54, 14 Aug 2005 (EDT)