Ghyll talk:Arandellion Moors
Only three citations are permitted. You can have as many links in the text to existing articles as seem useful, but you can only mention one existing article in the formal Citations: footer. --John Cowan 08:13, 17 May 2005 (EDT)
Can I cite more than I'm required to cite? (cf. Rule 2) Each turn after the first, you're required to cite two phantom entries (which may be existing phantoms, brand new phantoms, or a mixture of both) and one existing entry. For Round 2, you may not cite two brand new phantoms. None of these three citations can be terms you've created or written. However, if you've properly met these requirements, your entry can certainly refer to other terms in the Ghyll encyclopedia, including those you've personally written. These "other terms", however, MUST have been previously defined or created. See the Ghyll Index and the Ghyll Phantom Index, which jointly constitute a complete list of in-play terms. Direct quote from the FAQ. Apologies if I misunderstood you or something, but I don't believe you are correct. I am new, so if I messed up somewhere, feel free to denounce me. --Kalen Firth 18:14, 18 May 2005 (EDT)
- In this case, the FAQ is talking about inline citations. The Citations footer at the bottom of the entry is "special" and should list ONLY the two phantom citations, and ONE existing citation (typically, the one you feel is "best" related to your entire entry itself). See any of the entries from the first Round for an example. --Morbus Iff 21:07, 18 May 2005 (EDT)
My apologies. I will replace those that I feel are less fit with simply inline Citations.
--Kalen Firth 22:04, 18 May 2005 (EDT)