Ghyll:Modern Standard Ghyllian
Dib, dibbity, dib, dibbity, dib, dib, daroo! --Doctor Phineas Crank 13:42, 16 Dec 2004 (EST)
Modern Standard Ghyllian has been codified and derived from numerous sources including the languid, liquid language of the Looliers, the obtuse, and previously somewhat obscure, Olkuull, and the unwieldy, unglamorous Untch. Of course, Olkull has been almost entirely swallowed by the more popular Standard Ghyllian and is now spoken by just a few rather "intense" hermits who herd semi-domesticated graphorn who were made quite infamous by Ibaan Malmiz in his quest to translate the Grimporke Grimoire. Untch, of course, is familiar to Occultologists as a veritable lingua franca of hidden lore.
The earliest source of Modern Standard Ghyllian is believed to be the journal of an unnamed traveller, dated to -90 EC, currently in the possesion of the Bureau of Forgotten Knowledge. The journal, which details said traveller's journey through the Cactus forests, contains a mixture of unusual spellings and phrasings which are, of course, Early Somewhat Irregular Ghyllian. However, the professors at the Bureau became so engrossed with this work that they began to speak in the manner in which they were written. This proceeded to disseminate throughout the land, and is now the usual spoken tongue.