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Line 194: Line 194:
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Genomics Lab.</li>
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Genomics Lab.</li>
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Office 2.</li>
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Office 2.</li>
   <li>Visit http://www.Sector7Station12.com
   <li>Visit http://www.Sector7Station12.com.
       <li>Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.</li>  
       <li>Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.</li>  
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On [REDACTED], a Hazard Level 1 event occurred in the Sector 7 Containment Laboratory when there was a complete failure of the containment barrier during an examination by [REDACTED] of Substance X.
On [REDACTED], a Hazard Level 1 event occurred in the Sector 7 Containment Laboratory when there was a complete failure of the containment barrier during an examination by [REDACTED] of [[Substance X]].
[REDACTED] was conducting a visual and radiographic examination of the effect of exposure to extreme temperatures on the emanation of Beta-64 radiation from Substance X. Due to unknown intervening factors, the containment barrier between [REDACTED] and Substance X suddenly and completely failed.
[REDACTED] was conducting a visual and radiographic examination of the effect of exposure to extreme temperatures on the emanation of Beta-64 radiation from [[Substance X]]. Due to unknown intervening factors, the containment barrier between [REDACTED] and [[Substance X]] suddenly and completely failed.
[REDACTED] was exposed to Beta-64 radiation for a period of 3.4 seconds before the emergency shield and bulkhead sealed the sample of Substance 64 within the examination chamber.
[REDACTED] was exposed to Beta-64 radiation for a period of 3.4 seconds before the emergency shield and bulkhead sealed the sample of Substance 64 within the examination chamber.
Line 234: Line 234:
<ol start="27">
<ol start="27">
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Ward Room 4.</li>
   <li>Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Imaging Lab.</li>
  <li>Visit http://www.Sector7Station146.com.
      <li>Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.</li>
  <li>Solve the "Imaging Lab" puzzle.
      <li>{{Spoiler|View the official solution:|​To locate the password for this computer, find the page in the bundle hidden in [[Resident 11]]’s room depicting a stylized humanoid with the numbers 146 on his forehead. The blue dots on the lefthand side of his body each indicate a letter in the alphabet (by numerical position such as 1=A, 2=B, and so on). The solution to the puzzle is “chromosome forty six.” This is the password.}}</li>
      <li>{{Spoiler|View the actual solution:|The password to the PDF is "chromosomefortysix".}}</li>
| header3        = Sector7Station146.com
| files          =
[[File:TMEC-Sector 7-Sector7Station146.png|thumb|center|Sector7Station146.com.]]
<br />[[File:TMEC-Sector 7-Sector7Station146 Unlocked.jpg|thumb|center|Image of unprotected PDF.<br />[[Media:TMEC-Sector 7-Sector7Station146 Locked.pdf|Download password-protected PDF.]]]]
| transcription1 =
Sector 7
<br />1.014.00555.212.2.b64
The purpose of this Summary Report is to provide a basic level introduction to the concept of [[Substance X]].
[[Substance X]] is a substance discovered at least 100 years in the [[Forrest City]] area. Until recently, [[Substance X]] was thought to be just a rare mineral. In the year 2003, it was discovered by [x REDACTED x] that [[Substance X]] is actually an element previously unknown to science. There are no indications that it has an extraterrestrial origin. Rather, [[Substance X]] appears to exist naturally on our planet, although we are currently unable to explain why it remains stable in its solid form and does not decay into its constituent elements.
[[Substance X]] is found almost exclusively deep beneath the ground. It is commonly found in the vicinity of underground seams of coal, copper ore, silver, and other minerals.
[[Substance X]] can be extremely dangerous to humans when brought to the surface through mining or excavation activity, or where natural deposits of [[Substance X]] are naturally located with 100 meters of the ground level. The hazardous nature of [[Substance X]] is due to its emission of Beta-64 radiation which causes a host of deleterious effects on human physiology (DNA in particular) and negatively impacts human behavior.
As of 2017, [[Substance X]] has been discovered in eleven locations around the world, and has caused similar negative effects on local populations. Its existence is classified Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)*. Beta-64 radiation and its effects are discussed in a separate Summary Report entitled Beta-64.
<nowiki>** End of Report/</nowiki>
<nowiki>* Information is compartmentalized by adding a code word so that only those who have been cleared for each code word can see it. A document marked SECRET (CODE WORD) could only be viewed by a person with a secret or top secret clearance and that specific code word clearance. Each code word deals with a different kind of information.</nowiki>
[[Category:The Mystery Experiences Company]]
[[Category:The Mystery Experiences Company]]

Revision as of 13:42, 28 November 2018

Box contents

The following is a visual gallery of all box contents, as well as transcriptions of all text.
There are NO SPOILERS, puzzle explanations, or solutions detailed in this section.

  • Hints and Solutions card
  • Letter from Mr. X
  • The Forrest City Tribune (4 pages)
  • Notes by Resident 11
  • Notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7
  • Sector 7 cards:
    • Floor plan
    • Resident 11's Room
    • Sector 7 Data Center
    • Sector 7 Exit Door
    • Sector 7 Genomics Lab
    • Sector 7 Holographic Lab
    • Sector 7 Imaging Lab
  • Photos of:
  • A grid of numbers with code words and lines
  • Stylized humanoid with 146 on his face
  • Circuit board puzzle
  • Word search puzzle
  • Blue Note Jazz Cafe matchbook
  • Dr. Maya Patel's pen
  • Key card
  • Magnifying glass
  • Mousepad

The investigation

The investigation is a complete walkthrough and contains hints, explanations, and solutions.
Where possible, spoiler tags have been used, but CONSIDER THIS YOUR SPOILER WARNING.

  1. Read the Hints and Solutions card.
    1. The Facebook group is no longer accessible.
    2. A copy of the official walkthrough and solutions is available: at Media:TMEC-Sector 7-Walkthrough.pdf.
  2. Read the Letter from Mr. X.
  3. Read the Forrest City Tribune page 1.
  4. Explore the rest of ForrestCity.info for flavor.
  5. Read the Forrest City Tribune page 2.
    1. The ArchonGenomics.com page is similar to the ForrestCity.info equivalent.
  6. Read the Forrest City Tribune page 3.
    1. Visit and explore http://www.otsfirm.com/ for background and flavor.
    2. Call 941-893-2427 and listen to the answering machine.
    3. Email OTSfirm@gmail.com for an automated reply.
    4. This is likely all related to a different mystery experience.
  7. Read the Forrest City Tribune page 4.
  8. Read the notes by Resident 11 page 1.
    1. Contrary to these notes, the Resident 11's Room card does show a window.
    2. Presumably the "grid of letters" should be read as "grid of numbers".
  9. Solve the "Resident 11 Ward Room" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: ​The passcode for the security keypad was provided to Resident 11 through the display on his watch: 1126.
  10. Read the notes by Resident 11 page 2.
  11. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Resident 11 Ward Room.
  12. Visit http://www.Sector7Containment.com which redirects to http://www.forrestcity.info/sector7containment.html.
    1. Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.
  13. Solve the "Resident 11 Computer Screen Access" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: ​The passcode to the touchscreen panel can be found on a page in the bundle hidden in Resident 11’s room. The black and white page with a grid of numbers contains what mathematicians call a “magic square.” All columns and rows add up to the same number. This is the passcode. The number itself and the magic square concept also have special significance to the themes that run through the Forrest City meta-mystery.
    2. View the actual solution: The password to the PDF is "260".


Sector 7
Resident 11

Resident 11’s condition continues to deteriorate since his admission to the Containment Ward. Memory loss is severe and his ability to form new memories appears to be limited to transient short term memories only. Independent memory retrieval continues to be severely impaired. Scans confirm that the short term memory loss is due to cellular damage in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and cerebral cortex.

Resident 11 continues to experience paranoia, intermittent periods of rage and violence directed at anyone within his field of vision. He intermittently experiences visual and auditory hallucinations. He also experiences significant disorientation and mental confusion when agitated.

Code Word: mutation

*** End of Entry


Image of unprotected PDF.
Download password-protected PDF.
  1. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Ward Room 12.
  2. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Office 1.
  3. Visit http://www.Sector7Station4.com.
    1. Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.
  4. Solve the "Office 1" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: This is the office of Dr. Maya Patel. Maya is the Hindi myth name of the mother of Siddhartha, meaning “illusion." To access Dr. Patel’s computer, locate the photograph of her in the bundle hidden in Resident 11’s room. You will note that in Dr. Patel’s coat pocket is a pen. Find both the pen and the mousepad from her office desk. The numbers on the pen (1.4 6.3 2.6 4.2) give you the row and column coordinates to locate four letters on the grid of letters on the mousepad.​
    2. View the actual solution: The password to the PDF is "ACTG".


Sector 7
Resident 11

All of Resident 11’s symptoms are due to his exposure to [REDACTED]. The primary genetic damage to Residents 11’s DNA has been double- strand breaks of the DNA molecule. Repair is difficult and erroneous rejoining of broken ends has occurred on a large scale with concurrent losses of DNA fragments between the broken segments.

The localized DNA damage caused by dense ionizations from high-LET exposure such as [REDACTED] is more difficult to repair than the diffuse DNA damage caused by the sparse ionizations from low-LET exposure.

Due to the obviously sensitive nature of Resident 11’s identity and condition, access to the the remainder of Resident 11’s file has been restricted to Administrative Level Access.

Code Word: phenotype

*** End of Entry


Image of unprotected PDF.
Download password-protected PDF.
  1. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Ward Room 3.
  2. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Holographic Lab A.
  3. Visit http://www.Sector7Station64.com which redirects to http://www.forrestcity.info/sector7station64.html.
    1. Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.
  4. Solve the "Holographic Data Center" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: ​To locate the passkey code for this computer, find the pass key in the bundle hidden in Resident 11’s room. On the back, you will note a series of numbers with two blank spaces terminal. This sequence of numbers is what mathematicians call the Fibonacci sequence. The missing numbers are found by adding up the two numbers before each. The sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377. The missing numbers are 13 and 55.
    2. View the actual solution: The password to the PDF is "1355".


Sector 7


The purpose of this Summary Report is to provide a basic level introduction to DNA. It exists in every single organism, from the smallest virus to the largest mammal. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the chemical inside our cells that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms.

You can think of the human genome like a book. It has twenty-three chapters called chromosomes. Each chapter contains thousands of paragraphs called genes. Each paragraph is made up of sentences called exons. Each sentence is composed of words called codons. And each word is written in letters called bases.

But instead of being written on pages of paper, the human genome is written on long chains of sugar and phosphate called DNA molecules. There are over a billion words in the human genomic book. It’s as long as eight hundred King James Bibles.

If you were to read the human genome aloud at a rate of one second per word for eight hours a day, seven days a week, it would take over a hundred years to read it all.

You can think of human DNA as a message written in a code of chemicals, one chemical for each letter. The language of DNA is an alphabet with only four letters— A, C, G, and T— adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The DNA message carries the chemical instructions for assembling a new person.

DNA is the code for life, and that code has been replicated in every person who has ever lived. Big chunks of our DNA appear to be nothing more than a jumble of repetitive, random sequences that are rarely, if ever, used. We call these junk sequences introns. If DNA is like a television show, then introns are like enormous commercial breaks that interrupt the real program. Except in our DNA, the commercials are longer than the actual show.

**End of report/



Image of unprotected PDF.
Download password-protected PDF.
  1. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Ward Room 4.
  2. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Genomics Lab.
  3. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Office 2.
  4. Visit http://www.Sector7Station12.com.
    1. Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.
  5. Solve the "Office 2" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: ​You will note that the occupant of this office is a fan of jazz. Locate the Blue Note Jazz Club matchbook in the bundle hidden in Resident 11’s room. On the inside cover of the matchbook is a word: CONSTANCE. This is the password for the Office 2 computer. The name Constance also has has special significance to the themes that run through the Forrest City meta-mystery.
    2. View the actual solution: The password to the PDF is "Constance".


Sector 7


On [REDACTED], a Hazard Level 1 event occurred in the Sector 7 Containment Laboratory when there was a complete failure of the containment barrier during an examination by [REDACTED] of Substance X.

[REDACTED] was conducting a visual and radiographic examination of the effect of exposure to extreme temperatures on the emanation of Beta-64 radiation from Substance X. Due to unknown intervening factors, the containment barrier between [REDACTED] and Substance X suddenly and completely failed.

[REDACTED] was exposed to Beta-64 radiation for a period of 3.4 seconds before the emergency shield and bulkhead sealed the sample of Substance 64 within the examination chamber.

[REDACTED] lost consciousness upon exposure to the B-64 radiation.

Due to the hazard level of this event, the remainder of this Incident Report has been restricted to Administrative Level Access.

*** End of Entry


Image of unprotected PDF.
Download password-protected PDF.
  1. Read the notes by Resident 11, Exploration of Sector 7, Imaging Lab.
  2. Visit http://www.Sector7Station146.com.
    1. Clicking the "Enter password" button loads a password-protected PDF document.
  3. Solve the "Imaging Lab" puzzle.
    1. View the official solution: {{{2}}}
    2. View the actual solution: The password to the PDF is "chromosomefortysix".


Sector 7

SUBSTANCE X The purpose of this Summary Report is to provide a basic level introduction to the concept of Substance X.

Substance X is a substance discovered at least 100 years in the Forrest City area. Until recently, Substance X was thought to be just a rare mineral. In the year 2003, it was discovered by [x REDACTED x] that Substance X is actually an element previously unknown to science. There are no indications that it has an extraterrestrial origin. Rather, Substance X appears to exist naturally on our planet, although we are currently unable to explain why it remains stable in its solid form and does not decay into its constituent elements.

Substance X is found almost exclusively deep beneath the ground. It is commonly found in the vicinity of underground seams of coal, copper ore, silver, and other minerals.

Substance X can be extremely dangerous to humans when brought to the surface through mining or excavation activity, or where natural deposits of Substance X are naturally located with 100 meters of the ground level. The hazardous nature of Substance X is due to its emission of Beta-64 radiation which causes a host of deleterious effects on human physiology (DNA in particular) and negatively impacts human behavior.

As of 2017, Substance X has been discovered in eleven locations around the world, and has caused similar negative effects on local populations. Its existence is classified Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)*. Beta-64 radiation and its effects are discussed in a separate Summary Report entitled Beta-64.

** End of Report/

* Information is compartmentalized by adding a code word so that only those who have been cleared for each code word can see it. A document marked SECRET (CODE WORD) could only be viewed by a person with a secret or top secret clearance and that specific code word clearance. Each code word deals with a different kind of information.


Image of unprotected PDF.
Download password-protected PDF.