Difference between revisions of "Ghyll:WhereIsWhere"

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(Adding places from Oregan Amber.)
m (Reverted edit of MANO, changed back to last version by Nikos of Ant)
(9 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 237: Line 237:
* '''[[Dulalian Empire]] (Eastern and Sudari Provinces)''' (region)
* '''[[Dulalian Empire]] (Eastern and Sudari Provinces)''' (region)
** Home to the [[Brothers of the Lantern]] ([[Brothers of the Lantern]])
** Home to the [[Brothers of the Lantern]] ([[Brothers of the Lantern]])
** The town or city of Toria is here ([[Focused farming]])
** The town or city of [[Toria]] is here ([[Focused farming]])
* '''[[Ellensworth]]''' (town)
* '''[[Ellensworth]]''' (town)
Line 254: Line 254:
* '''Hat''' (town, formally Prollztqx)
* '''Hat''' (town, formally Prollztqx)
** In the general vicinity of [[Ungerry-Tubers]] ([[Old hat]])
** In the general vicinity of [[Ungerry-Tubers]] ([[Old hat]])
** Located within the [[Sarfelogian Mountains]] ([[Ungerry-Tubers]])
* '''Hvar''', '''Krag''', '''Mulch''', '''Uothe''' (villages, hamlets, hideouts)
** Located in the river-region around the [[Qestarius River]] ([[Qane]])
* '''Hills of Munro''' (hills)
* '''Hills of Munro''' (hills)
Line 276: Line 280:
** Qib of [[Aminfarances]] was from here ([[Aminfarances]])
** Qib of [[Aminfarances]] was from here ([[Aminfarances]])
** ''Possibility'': Southwest of the Dagger Seas? ([[Aminfarances]])
** ''Possibility'': Southwest of the Dagger Seas? ([[Aminfarances]])
* '''No''', '''Gno''', and '''Kno''' (hamlets)
** Some thirteen leles north of Shepenor (following the coastline) ([[Ponce Gardening]])
** Sit midway along the tooth that bites into the Tertius and Segundus ([[Ponce Gardening]])
** Huddle on the southern edge of the tooth and dig into Tertius ([[Ponce Gardening]])
* '''[[Notar Republic]]''' (???)
* '''[[Notar Republic]]''' (???)
Line 293: Line 302:
** Located to the west of [[Shepenor]] ([[Shepenor]])
** Located to the west of [[Shepenor]] ([[Shepenor]])
** "that small cluster of huts over yonder." ([[Rod of Quiends]])
** "that small cluster of huts over yonder." ([[Rod of Quiends]])
* '''Rim''' (town)
** Contains the Keentho ‘el (elementary school) ([[Veri'psofie]])
* '''Sayaziha''' or '''City of Spheres''' (city)
* '''Sayaziha''' or '''City of Spheres''' (city)
Line 316: Line 328:
** (North?) West of Dŵplat ([[Boing]])
** (North?) West of Dŵplat ([[Boing]])
* '''[[Thopth]]''' (village)
* '''Thopth''' (village)
** Contains the [[Collegium Civitas]] ([[Core script]])
** Contains the [[Collegium Civitas]] ([[Core script]])
* '''[[Toria]]''' (town?)
** Of the [[Dulalian Empire]] ([[Regurgitation Revels]])
** Connected to [[Folktown]] via [[Urching tracks]] ([[Regurgitation Revels]])
* '''[[Threel]]''' (town)
* '''[[Threel]]''' (town)
Line 327: Line 343:
** Isolated geographic spot ([[Howzingery]])
** Isolated geographic spot ([[Howzingery]])
** In the general vicinity of Hat (formally Prollztqx) ([[Old hat]])
** In the general vicinity of Hat (formally Prollztqx) ([[Old hat]])
** Located within the [[Sarfelogian Mountains]] ([[Ungerry-Tubers]])
* '''Unnamed plain''' (plain)
* '''Unnamed plain''' (plain)

Latest revision as of 09:53, 16 January 2006

The Ghyll's Where Is Where is an attempt at establishing geographical facts about our world; it does not record other supplementary facts. For example, it records that the Evesque Valley is well-irrigated (and therefore must have plenty of streams), but it does not record that it used to play host to Aelfants. The latest most authoritative map is included inline below.

Latest Authoritative Ghyll Map

Scale: 1 square = 1 lele

Note, this map is based on the plain-ASCII version (included at the bottom of this page). Due to the scale and the density of known Ghyll, some work is planned to convert the ASCII map into a visual map created by Dundjinni or even Inkscape so that it'll be easier to read and understand. We can't guarantee this will ever happen, but Morbus Iff has expressed interest in doing so. Editing the raw ASCII map DOES NOT regenerate the following easier-to-read thumbnail, so only do so if you've previously aroused Morbus' ire.

File:Ghyll Map 03.png
An ASCII map updated as far as the end of Round 1 from Morbus Iff.

No Longer Authoritative Ghyll Maps

There have been multiple attempts at making a map of known Ghyll, some unfinished, some stylized, some totally and laughably inaccurate. We've included them all below for historical reference, but be sure to base your facts on the authoritative version above.

  1. The first computer-drawn map from Sean B. Palmer.
  2. A stylized and more fleshed out attempt from Doctor Phineas Crank.

Geographical Facts about Ghyll

  • Dŵplat (stream)
    • The name of a stream, and of a meeting house on the stream (Dŵplat)
    • Located in one of many unnamed villages in the high green valleys of the north (Dŵplat)
  • Shallow Gulf (gulf)

Unknown/Unplaced Locations

  • Agarttha (city)
    • Hidden in the Jorvyll mountain region (Agarttha)
    • Located in the difficult terrain of the Smrecklit Range (Jorvyll)
  • Avazian Ruins (building)
  • Erg (???)
    • "There are others, in Odlucia and Erg..." (Klokwerx)
  • Fundzherit Peninsula (peninsula)
    • Had some theoalchemical incident (inferred) (Doc Rockett)
  • Hvar, Krag, Mulch, Uothe (villages, hamlets, hideouts)
  • Hills of Munro (hills)
  • Ingotbourough (???)
    • Some six leles southwest of Stonemouth (Klokwerx)
  • No, Gno, and Kno (hamlets)
    • Some thirteen leles north of Shepenor (following the coastline) (Ponce Gardening)
    • Sit midway along the tooth that bites into the Tertius and Segundus (Ponce Gardening)
    • Huddle on the southern edge of the tooth and dig into Tertius (Ponce Gardening)
  • Rim (town)
    • Contains the Keentho ‘el (elementary school) (Veri'psofie)
  • Segundus (sea)
  • Stonemouth (hamlet)
    • Some 25 leles east of Folktown (2 leles north) (Klokwerx)
    • About 15 leles southeast of Egron (Klokwerx)
    • 12 leles northeast of Jurra (Klokwerx)
    • Some six leles northeast of Ingotburrough (Klokwerx)
    • Near the border of the Dulalian Empire (Klokwerx)
  • Tíâgrídíg Valleys (valley)
    • (North?) West of Dŵplat (Boing)
  • Unnamed plain (plain)

Latest Authoritative Ghyll Map (ASCII)

                                            /                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     |   |
                                           ;                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   :   ;
                                           |                 ^^^^^^^^^ Jorvyll Mountain Region ^^^  * Dwplat
    River Ocean                            ;             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  `
 <-  (Gulf & Seas                         /       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        '
       empty into)                        '    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ;
                       ____              /      ^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sarfelogian Mountains ^^    ;
                     /'    ``,        _/'        ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   :
                    '''`"\    `.._ _,'           :      ^^^^^^^^^^ Po Mountain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     ;
                          `..     '               :     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_.------- Baleman ---^^^^^^^^^^^   ,'
                Primus       \                   -+-----''\^^^^^^,--''                      `^^^^^^^    ;
                      ___     \              .--':         :--+-'                             |^^^^  ,';
                     ,'  ''''''              |   ;            |    Seven Lakes of Midevesque ,|^^^  ;
                      `.._                   |  : Alezan &    ;        Evesque Valley       -/ *  ;'
                          `---......         |  Twin Spires  /                     ,--------'  |   ';,
                Segundus       _,-'          `--;-.          :                    / '          |     .
 * Avaz                    .--'                 ;  `----------+----------:-------'  :     Elminster  :
    Minor?             ,-'                      :`.                       :         :        Mire    ;
                     -:._    ___               Qestarius                  :         ;               ;:
                         `'-'   `-._           :  River.                 .':,        `.              :,
             Dagger Seas          ,'          ;         `-.            .'    :        :               ;
              & Peninsulas       /            :           `.          /        :      ;               |
                               ,'             ;             `+     .-'         :    :'         Andelphracian
                    Tertius   |              :                :  .'        Cataract Roads      River & Valley
                              | Shepenor .,..;..,..           ;  * Bute          :                   ,:.
    Shallow Gulf             /   |_.....:' Iganefta`.        /         `.       :                  ,'   \.
                            |,,.-*       *. on-the-Sea.,    :            `-.    :                  |     `.
                            "'     *     | :     |      `..'                `.  :                  |      \
                              Kebro-     |  ':   |    Qestarius               `.:                  |       |
                                Shepenor |   :   |      River  Wentzel          :                  '       |
                                         |  :    ;          ;    Fen   Umbo  .-': * Cranee          |     _/
                         Marty          /   :  ,'           ;\        * Moor'   :.                   \.--'
                                  ....,-'   :  |            ; :       _,-"      : `-.
---.            ___----.       ,'            : |           ;  :    .-'   Sejfeld *   `--.
    `-------''''|       `'-..o-'             : |           |   :.-'            :`:       `-.* Egron
                |                            : |           |   :       Marsh *'   :
                |                             :|     Odlucia   ;        Gibbon    :
                ';                             :          ,*-_ : Odlucian         :
                  \                            |:       ,' |  ;*  Library         ;:
                   |     Plain of Brahang      | :-----'   : /                   ; :
                   |                          .|  ;         `   ._  Vale of     :  * Folktown
     _.-.          |                          |    '..            `.  Serdoch/  ;  :;--.
---''    `-.       \                          |       `-.           `-. Oddbag :    ;   `----.  Principality
            \     ,'`--                     ,'           `-._          `       ;   ;          '* of Jurra
             `..-'     `''''`--......,-"'-:'                 `-.              ;   :          /
 To Mount Yurch     Yerplat Ridge          ""`-.            * Battle of      :    ; --.   .-'
 (40 leles west)     (now Cataract Road)        "`--.          Barnum Stones ;,-''     `+`* Glossfordshire
                                                     "`-..         :.      ,-'          |
                                                          "`-.       :  ,-'             ;
                                                              "``-.   .* Iganefta -.   /
                                                                   "`-* Azura Mines `-'* Stindersgrough

                                                  _.------------''                      `------.
                                            ..--''                                              `--------.
                                        ,--'                       Cactus Forests                         `---
                                       /                             (largely unexplored)

Ghyll Map TODO

  1. Place the Brahang Turnpike Inn in the Plain of Brahang.