Integration of VIEWER DISCRETION into

Integration of VIEWER DISCRETION into the fold is almost complete - this is a good thing for all. Of course, when I was battling with Majordomo to get the damn thing to work, I had my doubts, but don't tell Neil about that, you know how Canadians get (hey, you know, this is great - now I get to make fun of him).

Work has begun on the

Work has begun on the cleaning of COLLECTED WORKS - by the time I'm finished, they'll be a tweaked design, more content, and that damn'd box.

AuctionWatch works around the EBAY

AuctionWatch works around the EBAY BLOCK and again searches their listings.

Montgomery Burns from THE SIMPSONS

Montgomery Burns from THE SIMPSONS wants to offer you FREE INTERNET AND EMAIL - "I'm sure you'll agree, it's excellent.".

Wow, MAJORDOMO was acting rather

Wow, MAJORDOMO was acting rather annoying today, sigh...

Louis Theroux returns in Bravo's

Louis Theroux returns in Bravo's LOUIS THEROUX'S WEIRD WEEKENDS, Fridays at 8pm.


Newest issue of VIEWER DISCRETION now available at LOW BANDWIDTH - starting next issue, Disobey will become the proud publisher of VD and the content you've come to love.

Final updates to DNN and

Final updates to DNN and now I think I can finally do something with COLLECTED WORKS. I hope, at least. I always get distracted.

RAT BASTARD animated series possibly

RAT BASTARD animated series possibly in 01/2001? Should prove interesting.

Geek: Q will probably return

Geek: Q will probably return to DEEP SPACE NINE (damn, now what will people think of me?).


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