#driveinmob #foodofthegods Twitter archive
What follows is a curated archive of Drive-In Mob's movie mafia live-tweeting the viewing of Food of the Gods on Netflix. Come join us next Thursday for Blaxploitation Horror 2, with Blacula and Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde. The curated archive removes all retweets, repeated statements or off-topic tweets, and the standard hashtags (#driveinmob #foodofthegods).
I had a German Short Hair pointer but he was murdered by a Chevy work van a year ago.
@MnstrIsleResort And what, may I ask, did you think those creatures were when you were a kid?
@DriveInMob That is one of the most obscure references ever. It's not even a fucking album ... just an EP. :)
haha! “@CM_MattD: @DriveInMob That is one of the most obscure references ever. It's not even a fucking album ... just an EP. :) ”
Sometimes your luck runs out and the high likelihood of being killed by giant bugs catches up with you.
getglue won't let me check in for this movie- but it is telling me that there is a PART 2!
Ida Lupino and Ray Milland would be such a cute senior couple, defying the forces of nature in their isolated strongholds.
@CM_MattD Oh right, this is another one of those HG Wells novels Bert I. Gordon had narrated to him by a hopped up insectophobe.
When gigantic maggots start feeding on my hand, I make sure to hold it stock still like that for the camera.
I like how Ida was like, "Oh no, you're not going anywhere, worm. I'm going to scream in your fucking ear."
Ida Lupino uses her mighty acting to sell those giant rubber maggots into being horrifying.
isn't the REAL food of the gods that canned fruit salad, cool whip, mini marshmallows thing?
OMG!! I love the men in rat suits CUT TO close of real rats. It adds to the authenticity.
@CM_MattD If Netflix gets Night of the Lepus, we must have an emergency Internet-wide tweetalong. It will be a public holiday.
Maybe a pregnant woman could find a better place to stand than in front of the winnebago while he guns the motor
Jack, I think you better impregnate me now, or else we have no hope of being saved in case something happens.
Ralph Meeker should eat the food. That would be the most awesome turn of events ever
@DriveInMob Oh, jeez. That's Ralph Meeker? This movie is like a film noir icons' graveyard.
So this is like a cross between The Stuff and Village of the Giants with guys in rat costumes?
every time I find weird sludge on the ground I mix it with cat food and feed it to my cats
Eh, I've seen Ida in too many high society roles to accept the poor rural Southern affectation.
This would be more fun if they prepackaged the grown muck in colorful containers, like in The Stuff.
my cats won't eat the weird sludge off the ground that I found unless I mix it with some cat food.
No, go back to the melancholy ferry. I certainly am not looking for giant animal attacks in a Bert I. Gordon movie.
I want to see the raw footage of Ralph Meeker swatting at nothing without the bad fx and buzzing sounds
@word_countess Actually, I think he does. Maybe not in an official capacity, though.
Well, yeah. "@MnstrIsleResort: I actually prefer Larry Cohen to Bert I. Gordon (sorry Bert!). "
Ha, my husband is trying to join and synch up. He said- are they slapping birds now?
Oh, God. Ralph probably really is drunk. I feel horrible now. "Kiss Me Deadly" is one of my favorite movies.
Yeah, but I don't B.I. Gordon. "@MnstrIsleResort: @dmreds I know, it's a pretty obvious and unfair comparison. "
You know, I really care about these characters. Now, please gorily kill them with giant critters.
@TonjiaAtomic I think they took it word for word, including "they got et by the big ones."
“@CM_MattD: Those rats have enormous balls, says my wife. ” Bigger than yo-- wait, never mind.
Yes. RT @CulturalGutter Are they exploding the wasp nest in the day or the night time?
At least they showed that rat footage in reverse instead of repeating it the same way again.
They just can't help but feed strange goo to all the animals- they can't help it!
Do you think one day the giant rats came after Gordon for his treatment of non-giant rats.
@MnstrIsleResort "Forced Perspective: The Life and Times of Bert I. Gordon." [cue intro music]
Brought to you by Imperial, for when it's easier to drink your life away than to survive giant rats.
Bert, you can make animals as big as you want, but you can't make them look like they give a shit.
Smash the bottles so the liquid spills on the ground where more animals can drink it.
I bet all of this was caused by a briefcase ralph meeker had opened 20 years earlier
Oh sh-t really? That is a shame that any rat would be harmed to make a movie such as this. Rat gods frowning. @MnstrIsleResort @DriveInMob
I know why the rats are after the jerky people now, but I don't know why they were before.
I have decided... I am on the Rat's side in this film.... Come on Ben, lead us to victory!
# You may be right You may be crazy But it just might be a giant rat you're looking for #FeelingSillyNow
"I know my husbands not comming back to me" good thing to say when there's a pregnant lady ready to give birth.
I have a basement full of chickens that I am sure I shouldn't have allowed to watch this movie!!
Maybe it's crazy but hanging out with an older lady & pregnant one being attacked by giant rats, makes me horny.
Director- "Hey would it be easier to make giant rats or a little house?" FX Guy- "Uh... I like to smoke pot!"
140k breakdown of tonight... Frogs can and will most likely be toads and giant rats are also sometimes just mice.
@DriveInMob Dont know what's less classy, this or Joan Crawford crawling through the muck calling, TROG! TROOOG!
@TonjiaAtomic Mr. and Mrs. Skinner fed the muck to their animals because they thought it was food from God.
Amazingly, this movie makes Village Of The Giants the more faithful adaptation of this story.
This actually makes Troll 2 seem like a quality movi..... I can't even lie for humor and say it.
"R.U.O.S's Rodent's of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist." -Princess Bride
You.re right, putting that oatmeal on top of that pile of giant dead rats does make them look more appetizing.
Yeah, go ahead, pour that crap on the dead rats. They'll just turn into BIGGER ZOMBIE RATS!
Ben N Jerry's family farms pledge not to use milk from cows treated with Food of the Gods.
If I've learned anything from Willard and Food Of The Gods, regular or giant, rats will turn on you... well, if you abuse them.
Well, time to turn into a pumpkin. Maybe a giant one tonight. Thanks, everybody! Night!
@TonjiaAtomic That's nice to hear. So many rumors abound. I do love that movie, though!
After tonight's feature, I need to go wash off. ...and maybe check for giant rodents. {:-] - Good night all.