Achievements 7.x-1.2 released
Achievements 7.x-1.2 has been released:
- Achievement unlock notifications are now JS fadeins and offline-able.
- We no longer use drupal_set_message() to inform of an unlock.
- A new achievement-notification.tpl.php controls the appearance.
- Unlock notifications now fade in and out at the window's bottom right.
- We now track whether a user has seen an achievement unlock notification.
- If they haven't, they will the next time they login or access the site.
- Leaderboard top rank counts can now be tweaked in the relevant configs.
- This is in preparation for "relative leaderboards" planned for 7.x-1.3.
- Unlocked achievements on user/#/achievements can now be unsorted.
- That is, instead of "move to top" they can remain "as defined in code".
- Defaults to "move to top". Config at admin/config/people/achievements.
- Block 'achievements-leaderboard' renamed with underscores not dashes.
- If you're using this block, you'll need to place it again upon upgrade.
- Fixed a few PHP warnings when a user has yet to unlock any achievements.
- Achievement unlocks are now logged in watchdog.
- Variables are now properly deleted on uninstall.