Exhaustive Purchasing

I've reached a point in my purchasing that there's really nothing in the local stores I want anymore. All the DVDs are tired (yes, I've "got 'em all"), and the books are non-existent ("do you have--*", blank stare). Whilst I've purchased from Amazon many times before, it's become my new haven, my one ring, my "ignore the evil patents cos, dammit boy, I LIKE-A THE MATERIAL POSSESSIONS!" Here's what I've grabbed in three months:

If you're an Amazon user and have even the remotest interest in getting 10% on items like the above, you may want to consider adding me to your "Amazon Friends" list, as explained here. Just "Share the Love" back - I like exploring my Friend's interests (the Japanese Fairy Tale book was a pleasant surprise from a Friend and friend and, with a 10% discount, sits happily in my collection now).

I suspect I'll be doing a large order every two weeks or so. With free shipping, plus my own referal fees to my Associate ID, Amazon has been working quite nicely - about $60 in referal fees from my own purchases means a nice "free" order at the end of each quarter.