Sourceforge and RSS Feeds

I've been working with the peeps at Sourceforge, and they've recently announced and released various system-wide RSS 2.0 feeds for all their projects:

A convenient way to keep up-to-date with the site, project news, activity information, and new projects is now available. provides a number of RSS feeds that may be accessed using an RSS reader or aggregator (some content management systems also allow you include data from an RSS feed on your website, much as Slashdot and Freshmeat do in the right sidebar of their layout). Using these RSS feeds, you can keep up-to-date with the latest project news and file releases, Site Status updates and statistics (such as top projects).

Project-specific RSS feeds may now be accessed using the "View list of RSS feeds available for this project" link on the Summary page for each project. Information about the full set of the available RSS feeds (14 feeds, in all), including information on the software needed to view RSS feed data and a complete list of the options available for each RSS feed, may be found here.

For those of you who can't see the trees for the forest, I've also written and posted a quick RSS 2.0 to RSS 1.0 Converter. Just URL and you're set. I won't give further help besides that. The Sourceforge announcement was released in their newsletter on Monday - the nearest online mention I can find (with comment capability) is here.

This is of particular interest to AmphetaDesk users (my open sourced reader that uses and relies on Sourceforge services) - all the RSS feeds are "one-click" capable, as explained in the documentation (above) and seen here... just click the pill with AmphetaDesk running, and you're set.