Top 10 Homepage Guidelines
The homepage is the most important page on most websites, and gets more page views than any other page. Of course, users don't always enter a website from the homepage. A website is like a house in which every window is also a door: People can follow links from search engines and other websites that reach deep inside your site. However, one of the first things these users do after arriving at a new site is go to the homepage. Deep linking is very useful, but it doesn't give users the site overview a homepage offers -- if the homepage design follows strong usability guidelines, that is. Following are ten things you can do to increase the usability of your homepage and thus enhance your website's business value.
The nice thing is that I do most all his bullets on the main page of GAMEGRENE.COM. The front page of DISOBEY, on the other hand, hasn't had any structural or design updates in a long long time.