Unified Theories of Software Evolution

Sheesh. DNN is becoming kinda techie lately, eh? Ah, well. Here's an article from Salon.com on A UNIFIED THEORY OF SOFTWARE EVOLUTION. It's nothing I really haven't seen before, but does have some historical bits I wasn't aware of.

Software evolution, i.e. the process by which programs change shape, adapt to the marketplace and inherit characteristics from preexisting programs, has become a subject of serious academic study in recent years. Partial thanks for this goes to Lehman and other pioneering researchers. Major thanks, however, goes to the increasing strategic value of software itself. As large-scale programs such as Windows and Solaris expand well into the range of 30 to 50 million lines of code, successful project managers have learned to devote as much time to combing the tangles out of legacy code as to adding new code. Simply put, in a decade that saw the average PC microchip performance increase a hundredfold, software's inability to scale at even linear rates has gone from dirty little secret to industry-wide embarrassment.