NPR Pays Tribute to Steve Gilliard
an excellent radio piece on Steve Gilliard's life and work on NPR's Web site. This 2-minute segment was produced by Farai Chideya. You can listen to it online.
Labels: Netslaves, Silicon Alley History, Steve Gilliard
Updates to the Netslaves Archive

I was busy over the weekend digging up more ancient content that Steve Gilliard wrote for in its early years. I've found a lot of material and will be restoring it in chunks as time permits. So here's a chunk of vintage Steve Gilliard content from early 2001. More to come soon! (Note: If you want to see all of the articles that were written for Netslaves in this time period (not just Gilly's contributions), please inspect
The Netslaves Archive.) If you want to know which of these articles is my personal favorite, it's definitely
Valentine's Day: The Meaning of Hell (What To Do On the Most Miserable Day of the Year?)
This week's restored Steve Gilliard Articles:
- The Great Rock n' Roll Swindle 2001 (Comments on the Music Industry's Suicidal Battle Against Free Music), February 5, 2001
- Welcome Back, Mr. Lee (Steve Gilliard Celebrates the Return of John Lee to the Public World), February 6, 2001
- AOL: Biggest Violator of Labor Laws Since the 1930s? (How America Online Built an Empire on the Backs of Volunteer Labor), February 9, 2001
- Interview: Bernadette Williams of, February 18, 2001 (Steve conducted this interview on behalf of
- The RIAA's Meaningless Victory (Steve Gilliard Weighs in on the Online MP3 Music Wars), February 12, 2001
- The Fast, Cheap Business (Steve Gilliard Responds to the Latest Stupid Quotes from Microsoft with an Online Store), February 17, 2001
- The Dangerati (Internet Superstars Who Taught the VC's and Banks How to Think), February 10, 2001
- Valentine's Day: The Meaning of Hell (What To Do On the Most Miserable Day of the Year?), February 14, 2001
- What's Next for E-Commerce?, February 20, 2001(Steve Gilliard Predicts that Small Companies Will Do Better Than Big Ones)
- Linux: A Victim of Hype? (Why Linux Remains Trapped in a Nether-Nerd World), February 22, 2001
A list of Steve's pre-February 2001 articles for is
available here.
Labels: Netslaves, Silicon Alley History, Steve Gilliard