Holy Weblog Gives Up the Ghost
The Holy Weblog, located at the domain http://holyweblog.blogspot.com, ran from March 2002 to May of 2006. Its purpose was to poke fun at various abuses of faith, theology, and religion, and it was faithfully updated every few days. But by the Spring of 2006, the Holy Weblog's author began suffering from a badcase of BBS (Blog Burnout Syndrome); he wrote: "I have found myself profoundly bored and having to force myself to surf and blog for this site. Besides, the stupid things people do in God's name just piss me off now. I just don't have it in me anymore to poke fun at them."
BBS has burned out many a good Blog, and it's one of the most prevalent psychological syndromes afflicting content producers today. It can also afflict readers who, after deciding that 90 percent of the content on Blogs is self-referential crap, decide to limit their content selection to three or four online newspapers and abandon the Blogs they had once been addicted.
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