Ghost Sites Celebrates 10 Years of Web Publishing

Exactly ten years ago, on July 26, 1996, Ghost Sites of the Web published its very first issue . Our first article lead off with the following blurb, which is amusing (and to be truthful, alarmingly prescient) given with happened in the years that followed:
Welcome to GHOST SITES OF THE WEB: a new feature devoted to the antithesis of everything New, Hot, or Cool on the Net. GHOST SITES' mission is simple: to bring you up-to-date on everything that's not up-to-date in the never-changing world of bit rot.
You might be shocked by what you find in GHOST SITES: grand schemes, big brands, and even a pundit or two, sucked down by the web's deadly entropic eddys. You'll need nerves of steel to navigate this section - hit the "back" button now if you'd prefer a diet of "New & Cool" hype to a dose of "Old & Dead" Reality.
I'm Steve Baldwin, your ghost host: please fasten your seatbelts and prepare to drive very slowly and respectfully through the I-Way's growing graveyard of hopes, dreams, and venture capital.
It's amazing to me that I've been doing this Blog for 10 years now. Before before the great boom, the great dotcom meltdown, Web 2.0, Google, and all the rest, there was Ghost Sites. Our mission statement ("to bring you up-to-date on everything that's not up-to-date in the never-changing world of bit rot") hasn't changed a bit. Special thanks to Morbus,'s Content Mogul, for putting up for us for a whole damned decade.
And cheers to you, folks! Give yourself a pat on the back for not being sucked down by the deadly entropic currents of the World Wide Web. May your next 10 years on the Web be a lot happier than the first ten!
Steve Baldwin
Ghost Sites of the Web
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