A correspondent writes: "It has been a while since I ran onto a dead Web site; however, I just ran into one last week. An e-mail service I used for years has suddenly gone poof, along with their portal and friends pages. MyOwnEmail.com offered Free Email with Personality and, with over 200 things to pick from it was true. My account was at death-star.com. It had gobbled up the older Star Mail & PC Postal services and had a good long run. I got no notice about the closure and so I am not sure just what happened. Pity, it was a very nice Web mail service."
Currently, the domain MyOwnEmail.com has been replaced by a placeholder service called Dotster. I have searched long and hard for an explanation to this site's demise, and have not found it. Considerable evidence does exist, however, demonstrating that myownemail.com's services were repeatedly used by spammers, which may have hurt its prospects.
These two screenshots show MyOwnEmail.com in its prime.