Ghost Sites of the Web

Web 1.0 history, forgotten web celebrities, old web sites, commentary, and news by Steve Baldwin. Published erratically since 1996.

June 09, 2005

Violent "Splat the Co-Worker" Web Ads: Not Toshiba's Fault?

Is Toshiba getting a bum rap for these awful, violent Web ads? Could be - according to an e-mail I received this afternoon:

Mr. Baldwin,

I too saw this ad and was disgusted. I was upset as well with Toshiba until I clicked the ad. The ad is run by a company in Fla. called NIU Tech LLC, whose agent is Homer Appleby, 561-997-6484. I have spoken with him twice. Yesterday he called me to tell me that his company was pulling this ad.

They also have an ad that promotes beating up our president and another that has a kid hanging out a car window smashing mail boxes. Go to It is one of several sites.

I have also given this information to the legal department at Toshiba.

Let's hope this ad and its grisly brethren get pulled soon. Unfortunately, NIU Tech LLC is a company which has gotten into trouble before, not for purveying pro-violent messages but for other reasons. Only time will tell whether they indeed pull these offensive ads.

Thanks to everybody who wrote me and squawked about this violent junk. A few good people can make a difference!

More on Toshiba's "Splat The Co-Worker Ad"

I wrote about this ad last week. I received this e-mail this morning. Apparently, a lot of kids are seeing this ad, which, in my opinion, encourages workplace shootings.


I agree with you on the 'Splat The Co-Worker' ads.

These are also appearing on the uComics web page above or below comics, some of which may appeal to children. This appears randomly on and perhaps other uComics.

The uComics site seems to be part of Tribune Media Services. The TMS-syndicated "Shoe" comic is now handled by Gary Brookins, Chris Cassatt, and Susie MacNelly.

Email to their Tanya Tousi — Advertising Coordinator - is not responded to. I used to have a email for Chris Cassatt, but it no longer works.

This really should be stopped somehow. Any ideas?

I suggested to him (and suggest to you if you're bothered by this ad) that you get in touch with someone at Toshiba's PR Agency.

Media Contact:
Ashley Millan or Mike Kilroy
Maples Communications

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