Documentary Film on Web People
Dear Ghost Sites fans,
I've been approached by a documentary filmmaker who's doing a short film on people who've spent years "working the Web." She'd like me to produce some onscreen interview candidates. Note: this is not some sleazy reality TV thing; it's a project conducted by the Graduate School at George Washington University.
I'm looking for people with horror stories in the Netslaves tradition (i.e. people who once coded .asp but are now pedicab operators, etc.). But the stories don't have to be tragic -- as we all know, certain people survived the Internet Ice Age very well.
Any and all are welcome to e-mail me. If you know of a former dotcom empresario who's now living on a farm surrounded by gun-toting geeks (I do), that's great. But if it's just your own "coming of age" story, that's great too.
Again, your story doesn't have to be "riches to rags" - wherever you belonged, then or now, in the "New Media Caste System" I'd love to hear about it.
Shooting begins in early June. Feel free to forward this message with impunity.
Thanks much,
Steve Baldwin
Editor, Ghost Sites of the Web