#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; $|++; use HTML::TableExtract; use Getopt::Long; use LWP; ############################################################################### # Generates a tabular list of all known World of Warhammer quests, checking # # off those you've completed. Also hides quests that aren't completable by # # your side, and separates everything by category. Data from Allakhazham. # # # # v1.5: 2008-10-28, morbus@disobey.com, email me if you use/modify. # ############################################################################### # To run this script, you'll need Perl and HTML::TableExtract. You'll also # # need an external file of completed quests, using the quest IDs from the # # wow.allakhazam.com site, one per line. Run the script as follows: # # # # perl wowquests.pl qids.txt > wowquests.html # # perl wowquests.pl --side Alliance qids.txt > wowquests.html # # # # You can also filter by minimum and maximum levels - pass the command line # # args --minlevel 25 and --maxlevel 35 to get a list keyed to said range. # # # # The default side is "Horde". For the Horde! (Ha, ha! I'm cheesy! Wheee!) # ############################################################################### # changes (2008-10-28, version 1.5): # # - added back in all the "broken" Seasonal entries. # # - Start NPC URLs are working again. # # # # changes (2008-10-22, version 1.4): # # - updated to the latest version of Allakhazham's site. # # - fixed bug where level filters missed -1 leveled quests. # # - ignore a healthy dose of broken "Seasonal" database entries. # # # # changes (2007-07-21, version 1.3): # # - min/max level filtering (thanks Edward Barton). # # # # changes (2007-02-02, version 1.2): # # - removed "Unknown" categories/zones. # # - checks reported quest IDs vs. active quest IDs. # # - 30 second wait, then re-request, if zone URL returns no data. # # - removed "Updated" images that showed up next to quest titles. # # # # changes (2006-02-09, version 1.1): # # - we now keep track of quests available per zone and total. # # - added initial support for Allakhazham's "Special Category" quests. # # - added support for some of the unlisted "Unknown" categories/zones. # # - print current zone to STDERR so we have a progress report. # # # # changes (2005-11-14, version 1.0): # # - initial public release. # ############################################################################### # which side is this character? my %options = ( 'minlevel' => 1, 'maxlevel' => 999, 'side' => 'Horde' ); GetOptions(\%options, 'minlevel=i', 'maxlevel=i', 'side=s'); # load in the quest file full of qids per newline. open(QUESTS, shift) or die "There was a quests file error: $!"; my %completed; while () { chomp; $completed{$_}++; } close(QUESTS); my %found_completed; # completed quest IDs found on Alla (for later comparison). # all our starting init crap. yawn. my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; my %headers = ('User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/2008090512 Firefox/3.0.2'); my $root_url = 'http://wow.allakhazam.com'; my $quests_url = 'http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/questlist.html'; my $side_filter = '?side=' . ($options{'side'} eq 'Alliance' ? 1 : 2); # we use allakhazam's master listing of quests because it'll actually be # cheaper, bandwidth-wise, then hitting each individual zone + "next" pages. my %quests; # master list of all quests sorted by category. this'll be fun. my $quests_per_page = 75; # number of quests per single page on the site. my $current_page = 0; # current page that we're viewing; starts at 0. my $last_page = 999; # discovered through a regex; last page available. # grab all quests until the last page. while ($current_page <= $last_page) { my $current_url = $quests_url . $side_filter . '&start=' . ($current_page * $quests_per_page); my $current_data = $browser->get($current_url, %headers); # ^^ OMG, MORBUS WROTE SOME MATH! until ($current_data->is_success) { # keep trying until success. print STDERR "Download failed. Retrying current page in 30 seconds.\n"; sleep(30); $current_data = $browser->get($current_url, %headers); } # we only do this once so it won't fail on the last page (which doesn't match the regex). ($last_page) = ($last_page != 999) ? $last_page : $current_data->content =~ m!">(\d{2,})!; if ($current_page =~ /0/) { print STDERR "Downloading quest data (page $current_page of $last_page)...\n"; } my @te_headers = ["Quest","Level","Side","Start","Reward","Category","Tags"]; my %te_config = (keep_html => 1, strip_html_on_match => 0); # bah. my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(headers=>@te_headers, %te_config); $te->parse($current_data->content); foreach my $ts ($te->table_states) { foreach my $r ($ts->rows) { my ($category_url) = $r->[5] =~ m!.*?!; $r->[5] =~ s/<(.*?)>//g; my $category_name = $r->[5]; $category_url = $category_url ? $category_url : ''; if (!$quests{$category_name}) { # create this new category... $quests{$category_name} = { 'name' => $category_name, 'url' => $category_url }; } # which we'll deliciously fill with quests. MmmM. yumMMmy quests. ($r->[7]) = $r->[0] =~ m!{'name'} cmp $quests{$b}->{'name'} } keys %quests) { print "\n


\n"; print "". "\n"; foreach my $quest (sort { $a->[7] cmp $b->[7] } @{$quests{$category}{'quests'}}) { my $s = ''; # will contain an asterisk for "we did it!" my ($id) = $quest->[0] =~ m!wquest=(\d+)!; next unless $id; $quest->[0] =~ s/"> <\/a>/">???<\/a>/; # no Name, but link? $quest->[0] =~ s/(\/db.*)/$root_url$1/g; # make a full URL. $quest->[0] =~ s///gi; # no images please. ty. $quest->[2] = $quest->[2] ? $quest->[2] : '???'; # no Side? $quest->[3] = $quest->[3] ? $quest->[3] : '???'; # no NPC? $quest->[3] =~ s/(\/db.*)/$root_url$1/g; # make a full URL. $total_category++; # we can do this quest, so count it, eh? if ($completed{$id}) { $completed_category++; $s = '*'; } if ($completed{$id}) { $found_completed{$id}++; } # later. if ($quest->[1] != -1) { # some quests are set as -1. next if $quest->[1] <= $options{'minlevel'}; next if $quest->[1] >= $options{'maxlevel'}; } # only filter those that are positive. ish. print "". "". "\n"; } print "
IDNameCategoryLevelStart NPCSide
"; # all done this category, so print out some stats. print "

Listed quests matching our side: $total_category. "; # stat one. mmMm. print "Quests completed for this category: $completed_category.

\n"; # stat two. $completed_total += $completed_category; $completed_category = 0; # SupPpeERR. $total_side += $total_category; $total_category = 0; # BOoirring. } # check reported player completions (in %completed) vs. the quest IDs we've # found (in %found_completed) on the remote site and report discrepancies. print STDERR "Looking for quest IDs not in active data (potential error in data).\n"; foreach my $completed (sort keys %completed) { if (!$found_completed{$completed}) { print STDERR "Quest ID $completed not found in active data.\n"; } } # HTML footer and final counts. cos counting is fun. print "\n

Total listed quests matching our side: $total_side. "; print "Total quests completed: $completed_total.

"; print STDERR "Done.\n"; print footer(); ################################################################ # HTML headers and footers. nothing too exciting here. # ################################################################ sub header { my $updated = localtime(time); return < World of Warcraft Quest Tracker

World of Warcraft Quest Tracker ($options{side})

The below contains a listing for all known World of Warcraft quests available to the $options{side}, and was last generated $updated. It was created by a Perl script from Morbus Iff that collects quest and category data from the Allakhazam World of Warcraft site. Quests with asterisks next to them have been completed for this particular character.

EVIL_HEREDOC_HEADER_OF_ORMS_BY_GORE } sub footer { return ""; }