#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; $|++; use HTML::TableExtract; use Getopt::Long; use LWP; ############################################################################### # Generates a tabular list of all known World of Warcraft quests, checking # # off those you've completed. Also hides quests that aren't completable by # # your side, and separates everything by zone. Uses data from Allakhazham. # # # # v1.0: 2005-11-14, morbus@disobey.com, email me if you use/modify. # ############################################################################### # To run this script, you'll need Perl and HTML::TableExtract. You'll also # # need an external file of completed quests, using the quest IDs from the # # wow.allakhazam.com site, one per line. Run the script as follows: # # # # perl wowquests.pl qids.txt > wowquests.html # # perl wowquests.pl --side Alliance qids.txt > wowquests.html # # # # The default side is "Horde". For the Horde! (Ha, ha! I'm cheesy! Wheee!) # ############################################################################### # which side is this character? my %options = ( 'side' => 'Horde' ); GetOptions(\%options, 'side=s'); # load in the quest file full of qids per newline. open(QUESTS, shift) or die "There was a quests file error: $!"; my %completed; while () { chop; $completed{$_}++; } close(QUESTS); # all our starting init crap. yawn. my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; my %headers = ('User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20051107 Firefox/1.5'); my $zones_url = 'http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/qzone.html?x'; my $root_url = 'http://wow.allakhazam.com'; my $side_regexp = qr/($options{side}|BothSides|\?)/; my @zone_urls; # will hold all the zones discovered. my $zones_content = $browser->get($zones_url, %headers)->content; while ($zones_content =~ /(\/db\/qlookup.html\?zone=\d+?)">(.*?)<\/a>/g) { push (@zone_urls, { name => $2, url => "$root_url$1" }); # slurpee. } # skipped sides, total, completed zone, total. a waste of my's. my $x_side = 0; my $x_total = 0; my $c_zone = 0; my $c_total = 0; # we've got all our zones. print header(); # HTML header. foreach my $zone (@zone_urls) { my $zone_content = $browser->get($zone->{'url'}, %headers)->content; my @te_headers = ["Name","Starts in","Side","Level","Start Npc"]; my %te_config = (keep_html => 1, strip_html_on_match => 0); # bah. my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(headers=>@te_headers, %te_config); $te->parse($zone_content); foreach my $ts ($te->table_states) { print "


\n"; print "". "\n"; foreach my $r ($ts->rows) { @$r[0] =~ /wquest=(\d+)/; my $q = $1; @$r[0] =~ s/(\/db.*)/$root_url$1/g; @$r[0] =~ s/(\/images.*)/$root_url$1/g; @$r[2] = @$r[2] ? @$r[2] : '?'; next unless $q; @$r[4] = @$r[4] ? @$r[4] : '?'; # no NPC? Whoops. if (@$r[2] !~ /$side_regexp/) { $x_side++; next; } my $s = ''; if ($completed{$q}) { $c_zone++; $s = '*'; } print "". "". "\n"; } print "
IDNameStarts inLevelStart NPCSide
"; # all done this zone, so print out some stats. print "

Unlisted quests not matching our side: $x_side. "; # stat one. print "Quests completed for this zone: $c_zone.

"; # stat two. $x_total += $x_side; $c_total += $c_zone; $x_side = $c_zone = 0; last; # we only care about quests STARTING here. } } # HTML footer and final counts. cos counting is fun. print "

Total unlisted quests not matching our side: $x_total. "; print "Total quests completed: $c_total.

"; print footer(); ################################################################ # HTML headers and footers. nothing too exciting here. # ################################################################ sub header { my $updated = localtime(time); return < World of Warcraft Quest Tracker

World of Warcraft Quest Tracker ($options{side})

The below contains a listing for all known World of Warcraft quests available to the $options{side}, and was last generated $updated. It was created by a Perl script from Morbus Iff that collects quest and zone data from the Allakhazam World of Warcraft site. Quests with asterisks next to them have been completed for this particular character.

EVIL_HEREDOC_HEADER_OF_ORMS_BY_GORE } sub footer { return ""; }